How Can You finally Just Start Improving Your English and Your Life?

How Can You finally Just Start Improving Your English and Your Life?

Do you sometimes question whether self-improvement is worth it?

Let’s be honest the majority of people will never make the time or put in the effort to step up and change themselves into the best possible version of who they really are.


Well there are 2 reasons for this, the first is people don’t like change because they have been conditioned by society not to change. Society expects you to behave in a certain way, generally this means you staying the same, following social norms and not improving yourself. If you look back in history you will see people have been conditioned to know their place in life and not to try to better themselves.

Then there is YOU and what you expect from yourself.

Often you are your own worst enemy. You sabotage everything good that is offered to you.

There is a war going on inside you. There’s a part of you that wants to step up and be a better version of you and another that keeps you small. It says you aren’t good enough or you can’t do it.

It’s a really serious conflict, the old you versus the person you should be. There is the old you with all the excuses: you don’t have the time, you don’t have the money, it’s just not a good time right now and then there is the person you want to be. The person who is fluent in English, the person who can speak confidently, the person who can express opinions with confidence and clarity. The person who can speak powerfully and commands respect from others.

So why don’t you just do it?

The truth is you need to forget the short term and focus on your long-term goals. If you make the commitment you will reach those goals. The trick is to get clear about your long-term goals and embrace the rewards that they will bring. How will speaking English fluently improve your career? How will speaking English confidently make you feel? How will speaking powerfully change your life?

Fully embrace the rewards and then think about the misery you will experience if you fail to change. What will that mean for you? Stagnation? Being stuck at a low level?  Bad reputation? Never being able to make a lot of money?

Take a look around you. Who are the people succeeding? Use this to motivate you to change.

We live in a rapidly changing world. In the past it was ok to be one of the crowd. One wage was enough to support a family and you didn’t need to stand out or be special to have a decent life. But times have changed. Now you need to be more than average if you are going to succeed.

COVID-19 showed us all the path to take. The companies and people who survived were the flexible creative adaptable ones. Take a look at the people who thrived. Were they just average? Or were they the ones who had invested in self-improvement, developed their skills, become tech savvy or saved for a rainy day. Do you see why being average is the wrong path to stay on?  

Let’s be honest. This isn’t the first crisis ever to have happened and it won’t be the last. The problem is each time there is a disaster the gap between the top of society and the bottom widens.  

The question is where do you want to be? Do you want to be on the top living your best possible life? Or struggling to survive?

It’s time to be realistic and accept that You are the only person who can save You.

Politicians won’t save you or throw you a life line. Unless you have a competitive advantage and have invested in yourself, developed skills, flexibility and authority so that you can adapt to the changes, there may come a time where you lose out big time.

Isn’t it time you invested in yourself? When are you going to step up and make the change?

How to Find Motivation

To find the motivation to change take a look into your future. What will your life be like if you don’t change? What will happen if you don’t improve your English skills?  

If not now then when will you step up and start building a better future by improving your English so you can communicate accurately, concisely and powerfully? You can always find excuses like; I don't have enough time, nows not a good time, I don't have the money, etc. etc. etc. The question is if not now then when? Change doesn't happen by itself you have to take the first step and then build on it.

If you are ready to step up and invest in yourself, I am ready to help you. If you want to be an effective communicator who communicates accurately, concisely, powerfully then please reach out to me. I love working with motivated and committed professionals who want to improve themselves so that they can enhance their reputation and build a better future.

Don’t hesitate to reach out and book a free 30 minute strategy session with me to talk about your next steps to becoming a more effective communicator so that you can enhance your reputation, build respect and secure your future career.

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Caryn Leach-Smith LLB. Barrister English Coach的更多文章

