How can you bet on sports betting sites without credit card?

How can you bet on sports betting sites without credit card?

Is there any way to bet on sports betting sites without using your credit card? Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions.


Federal Stafford loan vs. Alternative Loan Interest rates??

okay I'm new to student loans, so here goes.... I read everywhere to take the max of federal stafford loans before going to alternative loans due to a lower interest rate. So tell me which is better $5000 Unsub. federal loan - fixed interest rate 6.8% or $5000 Citiassist loan - Prime +1%. Current prime is 6% - no additional fees"

How much does it cost to declare bankruptcy in the state of florida?

How much does it cost to declare bankruptcy in the state of florida?

Can you check you credit score without an active credit card?

I want to check my credit score because I'm buying a car soon & I have my mom as a cosigner & her credit score is 750+ & want to check mine but I don't have an active credit card at the moment but last time I check it was 717 or something like that.

Is there an online way to check all 3 of my credit scores thats for real and actually free?

Looking into buying a home and would like to know my credit scores and i tried that and it gave me experian and asked me to pay extra money for the other 2!?

Help im in really bad debt?

yea hi i got myself into really bad debt i was paying one credit card off with another for over 4 years, uh it just went on and on and you know, i mean im like really broke right now about to file bankruptcy and you know im trying to get a penile implant i need to enlarge my uh package pick up the chicks these days"

"Bankruptcy and I Need to know the facts, cause I have a cheap lawyer?

I am goin for bankruptcy but lawyer said I have to downspend my income tax return because I'm only allowed 2500. I forgot to tell them that it's a joint account with my wife. Do you think that would help me cause I already gave her about 3gs

How long do you have to pay back a school loan?

If I ask for a loan only to buy a used car, which is a necessity, how long will I have to pay back the loan?"

Accounting homework help?

A bank loaned Atlas Company $10,000 on a 1-year, 6% note, but deducted the interest in advance. Atlas would show which of the following when recording the receipt of the cash? a. a decrease in Notes Payable for $10,600 b. an increase in Cash for $9,400 c. a decrease in Notes Payable for $9,400 d. an increase in Cash for $600 Employees earn $5,000 per day, work five days per week, Monday through Friday, and get paid every Friday. If the previous payday was January 26 and the accounting period ends on January 31, what amount is the ending balance in the wages payable account? a. $ 9,000 b. $10,000 c. $25,000 d. $15,000"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

What is credit score?

What is credit score?

Credit Report help..what does good standing mean?

Ok so I got a free credit report but I do not was provided by my school..i have two things that I need to take care of and pay them...but there were other ten that said i was on good what does this mean?

WHat rights a company has to collect collateral after a bancruptcy?

In November 2010 I filed for a full BK. In January 2011 the BK discharged. In March I was contacted by a lender stating the loan was secured and they had rights to collect the merchandise. They offered me the option of paying the loan but I chose to surrender the merchandise, as its not worth anything close to what they want me to pay. Here are my questions. 1. Do they even have a right at this point? They had an opportunity to collect and fight a lift stay when I filed in November. Are they not now barred to collect? That is why a debtor who intends to continue to use the collateral in its bankruptcy estate cannot afford to ignore a lift stay motion. a.I am considering ignoring them and then dispute it on my credit since they are listed in the schedule and no reaffirmation was signed. 2. How long do they have to collect? There has to be a limit that the courts would consider reasonable. Such as I told them to collect and 90 (or 180 or whatever) days they still did not collect therefore they no longer have legal rights. 3.Can they still come after me for the difference in the value compared to what I owe on the loan despite the fact it was claimed in my BK papers? After dealing with this company (Jayco Acceptance) I know they are very shady and I am confident they will stop at nothing to make this difficult. Even to the point of breaking the law since as a consumer we are have limited resources to fight, and often dont know what the law is."

Credit Debt and Bankruptcy?

I am going to pay off my rings. I have another question though.. if I have a loan that I don't pay can the bank garnish my checking or savings account to pay the loan since they are at the same bank?? Also.. I am enough stressed and feel like sh*t about the way my credit went so I don't need your rude comments!

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

I need a mortgage for 15000-18000?

they'd be able to find a mortgage for us. I just wanted to be able to put an offer on sooner. So I don't understand how we'd have to wait two years. I did want to wait until spring, with my ebay stuff and everything we'd have more money for it. But I fear that it will be gone by then. This is why I am asking if anyone has any suggestions. I've looked online for p2p and they want 640 or higher credit scores."

Auto loan from capitol one?


Where to get loans online?

Where to get loans online?

If I owed HSBC Bank (through H&R Block) will they take their money from my refund this year?

v b - Don't be so presumptuous. I never said I wasn't repaying them. That wasn't the question. Stick to the question and don't venture off on something you know not about. Also, I'm not applying for an RAL. As I said before, serious answers only. None of you are God nor my mother so I would leave all of the presumptuous criticism at the door."

What is the minimum age to get a loan?

im 19 and i was wondering if i was to young to get a loan

Legal question re: car title loan/impound?

My boyfriend and I took a title loan out on our fully paid off SUV. We pay interest only every two weeks, with a balloon payment at the end of six months. Last week my boyfriend got pulled over and the Phoenix (AZ) police impounded his car. Because the title loan company has a lien on our car, they were contacted, and they paid to get the car from the impound lot. Now they're trying to say that we have to pay them every cent plus a bunch of extra fees totaling approx $1,900 (the loan was for $1,000 btw)-and they want us to pay it NOW or they're threatening to keep the vehicle. We are not behind on our payments; the next payment of $67 is due Friday. We haven't defaulted on the loan, but I know these companies have tons of ways they work around state laws and loopholes. We are in Maricopa County, Arizona. Does anyone know if the loan company is in the right here? Thank you."

"Home mortgage, what's better? paying down the principal, or putting money in escrow?"

I've been paying a couple of hundred extra on the principal to get the balance down. Is there any advantage to putting money in escrow? Could I do both? I have a chance to throw extra cash at my mortgage, how should I do it?"

Can I receive money in Paypal without linking a credit card?

A friend of mine said that you can get money on it without verifying it and without a credit card linked to it... I'm just here to make sure.

Best Credit Card Company?????

I'm 20, and want to start building my credit with my first credit card.....which company would be my best bet???"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can you use an auto loan to pay for a down payment on a vehicle?

I cannot get the auto loan for the full amount because I don't have enough established credit. I currently drive a 2001 Black Honda Civic LX. My work (I work for Ford Motor Co.) gave me $7,000 for the vehicle and is selling me a 2006 Chevrolet Cobalt LT for $13,000. I am only approved for $13,000 and thats with a cosigner with EXCELLENT credit. She won't loan me the $1,200 for the downpayment (Tax, title, license) because she is about to retire and she also says that if I want it I need to do it on my own. I'm 18, and make around $700 a month. I have a new job that I start in two weeks making $1200-1500 a month, so I can afford the new vehicle, just getting the downpayment is tough at the moment. Any suggestions?"

How can you bet on sports betting sites without credit card?

Is there any way to bet on sports betting sites without using your credit card? Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions.

I have a durable POA for my mother. She has dementia and has high credit card bills. Can I file bankruptcy?

I have a durable POA for my mother. She has dementia and has high credit card bills. Can I file bankruptcy?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

I have claimed bankruptcy for the 2nd time and I have to go to court Do I need a lawyer?

I have claimed bankruptcy for the 2nd time and I have to go to court Do I need a lawyer?

Where can i get a free credit report without paying?

Where can i get a free credit report without paying?

Citi Financial Loans? Are they a scam? ~?

I applied for a Citi Loan to pay off some bills... They told me that I dont need personal property all they need is a TV or a RING or whatever I want ... I have never heard of this before ... Is it a scam? Has anyone here ever delt with them? What happened? Where they helpful?

Wife tells me that you get fined if you use credit cards at the ATM. But i call bs. Wouldnt you simply just pay interest on what you took?

Wife tells me that you get fined if you use credit cards at the ATM. But i call bs. Wouldnt you simply just pay interest on what you took?

Payday loans have screwed me?

Edit, i have a full time job work all the overtime avalible, holiday was already paid for but when it came down to it i didnt have the spending money, i thought i could afford to pay it off, but i clearly couldnt, i didnt realise the intrest rates on them i borrowed 250 intrest was 100 i got pulled by police for illegal tires, so i had to get 2 ned tyres, that was 200 plus 60 fine for tyres so i went and got anouther 250 this time it was a different company intrest was 90 now ive borrowed 500 pounds costing me total was 690 i find the intrest was killing me more than anything, and you are all right it was my own fault i just want advice from someone who knows thanks"

What will happen if I dont pay payday loan?

The catch is - I'm not USA sitizen.So if I take 10 loans 500$ each and go back in my country what will happen next?My country of origin is Greece by the way!Can they press charges against me and how will they make me pay after I'm gone?

Help?? Enquiry on my Credit Report & I don't recognize who it is?

Creditor Contact Details IRF/PIONEER VIRGINIA BEACH , VA 23464 Does anyone recognize who this is? Have you seen this on your report?? Also, how do I boost my Transunion Score? It says, opening new credit lines could hurt me. What can I do in replacement of opening a credit card?"

$2800 in payday loans can only pay $150-200 amonth help?

$2800 in payday loans can only pay $150-200 amonth help?

Student loans and bankruptcy?

My sister and her husband went to one of those technical Institutes"" to get a degree together they are over $80"

What happen if you borrow tons of money and then leave the country?

say you borrow money from all cash/check places, payday loans, personal loans, opening up hundreds of credit cards and have the cash advance transferred. all within a month, to a fund over 100000 or more. and open a swiss account and deposit the fund, then leave USA and move to another china, russia or somewhere where the government there wouldn't give a rat *** about the US government."

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Can I get a 200 dollar loan from a bank I don't have a checking account with?

Can I get a 200 dollar loan from a bank I don't have a checking account with?

What kind of wood is best for herb planter box?

What kind of wood is best for herb planter box?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Filing bankruptcy?

I am wondering what are counted as assets"". I dont know what would be ""sold"" to pay off the debts. I have a computer and other general electronics like a stereo and TV"

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

Repayment of loan from a business partner after April 5th?

How do i get a free credit report?

how do i get my free credit card without giving a credit card number i dont have a credit card

How bad is a 19.99% APR on a credit card now a days?

I have had 2-3 credit cards up until about 6 years ago .I didn't know how harmful they were. But once I realized it I stopped using them altogether. Now I am very careful when it comes to credit cards. I dn't even open the credit card offers that I get now a days. But recently , since I am in a situation where I need some cash immediately to go for couple of week I started looking into one of the offers I received with a limit of maybe $300-$400. But it has a 19.99% APR on it. I wonder if that's a bad rate . My friends say that it is really the worst. But If I keep paying them on time every month before the due date. Can it be really that bad? I might be using all the $300 in about a month itself ."

Can a person who has an ITIN# (Taxpayer) file for bankruptcy???

If someone cannot pay off a credit card bill, can this person file for bankruptcy with the ITIN# ? I heard that it's impossible since bankruptcy involves court appearances and they will ask you for a SS#."

How much will i be paying the finance company for auto loan?How to calculate it?

ok so i have bad credit, cant get financed anywhere so might do in house financing. The interest rate will be 24.5% on 30 months for a 8000 vehicle with 2000 down(so really on 6000 loan). How do i calculate how much the finance company will be making off me?"

Will disputing closed/paid in full auto loan with 30-60-90 days late raise score if it gets deleted?

Will disputing closed/paid in full auto loan with 30-60-90 days late raise score if it gets deleted?

How do I figure out my APR on my credit card?

I have a credit card and forgot wha tthe APR was, THe balance is 3729 with a limit of 7000. the minimum payment is 108. Can anyone help me out?"

I heard people who got a rebate via direct deposit would get the retail rebate in early May. Is that true?

I heard people who got a rebate via direct deposit would get the retail rebate in early May. Is that true?

How can you bet on sports betting sites without credit card?

Is there any way to bet on sports betting sites without using your credit card? Thanks in advance.

ANSWER: For Credit and finance solutions I always recommend this website where you can find all the solutions.

Andrew Scott

Editor In Chief at

6 å¹´ updated information about betting sites accepting credit cards



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