How Can You Avoid Drama and Find Happiness as an Attorney?

How Can You Avoid Drama and Find Happiness as an Attorney?

One of the smartest people I have ever known is not one of the brightest in terms of IQ. He cannot engage in complex arguments or take difficult tests. Nor can he take part in competitive socializing and come up with business ideas. When I first met him, people around me considered him to be not that intelligent or sophisticated. Despite this, I can say with 100% certainty this made him one of the smartest men I have ever known. When I first met him, it amazed me that he did not seem interested in the same sorts of drama that other kids were. He was not critical of other students, his teachers, or the parents. In high school, I was in an incredibly competitive environment in a boarding school. Kids I knew coped with stress by smoking, drinking, and smoking pot. Some even used harder drugs and would sneak off into the forest near the school to smoke crack cocaine.

Through all this, my friend never drank, smoked, used drugs, or participated in any drama. He was happy with average grades and not being from a wealthy family. He was content not having a nice car, not having nice clothes, and doing his best but still being average. I found him fascinating. Everyone else I knew always had "reasons" to be upset. I knew one kid was so upset with getting 1580 on his SATs (instead of a 1600—which was a perfect score at the time). The second time he took the SATs, he hid a dictionary in the bathroom to cheat and get a perfect score.

He did get a perfect score, but he told the wrong people what he had done. The school found out and made sure he did not get accepted at any top, top colleges. The only school he got into was the University of Michigan — as an in-state student.

Over the years, my friend lost both of his parents from smoking. One of his siblings died of a drug overdose. One of our friends died of alcoholism. Another smoked so much pot he could barely form words when he got older. Yet my friend did not get involved in the drama and powered through. I would be the first to admit that I never expected a ton of stuff would happen for this guy. I figured his even-keel approach to life would be his downfall and doom him to a life of mediocrity. I was wrong. By the time he was in his 30s, he had a remarkably successful business and known as a leader in his profession. He is happily married and is doing very well. He has had a much better life than most people I know because of his ability to tune out the drama around him.

See also:

This summer, I hired a first-year law student. She ended up being a better attorney than many attorneys I have worked with. All without the bar and without even completing law school.



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