How can you actually love productivity?
Productivity. Necessary but boring. Ugh. get to really love it.
Then every piece of productivity is actually increasing joy, and getting you paid to have something closer to fun than to work.
Impossible? Pipe dream? Rose colored work glasses?
Most people think so because they only look at productivity from the perspective of the skills you have and the time you have to use them. With only skills and time, productivity comes from force and discipline. It's like a chore.
But that perspective is missing one gigantic piece of the puzzle - Energy.
One hour of low state energy is vastly different from one hour of high state energy. Energy is where your real juice for getting things done in a joyful, badass way comes from. With the right energy productivity from flow and love.
Allow me to introduce The Productivity Equation, a friendly little framework that we use at The Change Tribe to help people step into their greatness and love what they are doing.
The Productivity Equation:
LOW SKILL?+ LOW ENERGY = DON'T KNOW HOW & NOT ENGAGED (Sucks. Get me out of here.)
LOW SKILL?+ HIGH ENERGY = ENGAGED, BUT DON'T KNOW HOW (I think I like it, but help!)
Liking your work comes from your energy. Getting into a higher energetic state is what is most important. Then you add in your best skills, now you're loving it and making a resounding impact on your projects and people.
But high skills alone don't cut it. You'll never get better than "meh". Burnout will be your new collaborator.
So how do you access your higher energy states?
Great question! Fortunately, we are experts at this.
Here are a few options:
1) Connect to a past version of yourself that was perfectly in flow and loving it. Use that energy to inform your present. You can do this right now through visualization or journaling.
2) Connect with the future version of you that you would love to be. The version already in your highest states and most joyous work. That connection is available to you right now. You can pull in that information. Visualize or journal.
3) Take an energy assessment like the GC Index and get a personalized report showing your natural energy type for your most impactful work. Then you will know how to get into it and how to use it to keep yourself flying.
There are tons of other options. But those are two you can play with right now. And one you can ask us about if you're interested.
?The main point here is that loving productivity comes from energy. Are you managing your energy? Are you being intentional and highly conscious about your type of energy and how you use it?
If you feel like you are struggling or things feel extra hard or you're tired and things are working like you want them to, this is one of the absolute first places we recommend you look.
Here's to your joyous productivity!
?By the way, we are going to be discussing this EXACT topic on our live show on Thursday, where you can get more help with this. Come join us and ask questions, share your tips and ideas.
David of The Change Tribe
PS - When you are ready to Love Change and use it to create what you would love, we can help in a few ways:
Please remember, Friend,?you are effing great. It's all in you. It's not outside. The change you need and the world needs starts within. Thank you for doing all that you do. Keep going.
Nikki and David of The Change Tribe?