How can we learn to love again, it is missing from our world

God’s love is gone right now in this world

Today is Saturday night and I am holding on very tight to my faith and drawing on my love for the lord to carry me through. I am in a very low place right now and I am working to pull myself up and out. Pray for me, I need all your prayers right now. I am trying to put together a schedule for myself and making sure I follow it. But I realize that there are times in every one’s life when you get very low and we must fight to stand up and go forward. But sometimes it is very hard. The weight of all that we carry gets to heavy for us to carry. But I am taking a step back and finding the power within me to find my way out. I am trying to decide where to go for church tomorrow, do I want to be with strangers, or do I need to be with people that make me smile? Sometimes I just want to be in the room but not take part, than on the others hand I want to see the faces of those that inspire me. I usually decide in the morning when I get up and see what kind of time I have to get there. To- morrow is supposed to be a new church, but I am not sure if that will work at this time in my life. Blessings my Facebook friends and I want you to join me in GOD's house somewhere tomorrow. I can say that whenever I go it changes everything for me and the week gets started in a much better place. God has held on to me for so many years and I could not have come this far without him in my life. So I know that I will hold on tight to him and find my way out of this feel of sadness. I am mostly sad for our world and the conditions that we are living in right now, the hate, anger, meanness and inability for so many to show love. My life is in a good place but every time I go out I run into the hateful energy that is everywhere today. It hurts my soul and sets me back. It is as though everyone is ready to explode any minute and the power of that explosion is always frightening. Oh lords help us to discover our love for each other again, so we can fight this evil.

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