How can we learn to fight in life?
This life is one long and endless battle, so if you need to learn anything in this life that is know how to fight, how to choose your foes, and how to win in the battle, but at the beginning learn how to fight.
How can we learn to fight in life?
KNOW YOURSELF-who are you? What are your abilities or limitation? What do you want from your life? Do you have any particular skill or quality that will help in the battle against many obstacles? These are very important questions, and if you do not know yourself you will lose in any battle, so introduce yourself.
WHAT YOU NEED TO IMPROVE, ELIMINATE OR ESTABLISH?-we have some flaws that creating many problems, or some skills not fully developed, or some quality that isn’t good enough, so we have many opportunities to improve ourselves. Make a list of things that you need to improve, eliminate or change, and work on it daily. This is a good way of preparing for the fight, becoming invulnerable and strong as the fortress.
KNOW YOUR OPPONENT-if you want to be anything in your life, or to achieve something, you will have other competitors, so you will need to introduce those, to find out their limitations and abilities. The biggest enemy isn’t any random person, or person in your area of interest, you are your biggest enemy, so you need to learn how to overcome yourself. This is the biggest battle, and you will need to fight this battle throughout whole your life.
WHICH BATTLE TO FIGHT AND WHICH TO AVOID?-there are so many fights and battles, but you need to learn how to avoid some of those, and you need to learn how to fight the right battles, with right opponents, and with the right purpose. Fight any battle that will increase your power, in which you have possibilities to win, in which you know your opponent, and when you are prepared for it. But, whenever you need to fight any battle, give your best.
BE LIKE A WATER-good fighter is like water, adaptable, fluid, without shape, flexible, and can find the way in any difficult situation. If you want to learn how to fight in life, be like a water.