How can we eliminate negative thoughts from our minds?
don carpenter
My postings help people remove mental health issues that inhibit success giving them freedom to maximize their potential
Answer: An important question that must be resolved because your entire life experience is the direct result of the thoughts and beliefs that you accept into your consciousness. And until you have dominion over your thinking, you are a prisoner of your own bad thoughts and suffer accordingly. The way to remove negative thoughts is to think about something else. In other words, use the Golden Key "stop thinking about you and your problems, and think about God instead".
Remember, "there is nothing good, there is nothing bad, only your thinking makes it so" and therefore only your not thinking makes it not so. Remember, "as you sow or think, so shall you reap or experience". Remember, "a problem has no existence apart from the thought or belief that is at the moment sustaining it". In other words, what you think about externalizes itself as your experience and what you do not think about does not externalize itself as your experience.
So, why "think about God instead"? Because "thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee". In other words, you cannot be thinking negative thoughts while thinking about God because you are kept in perfect peace. Keeping your mind stayed on God gives you the freedom to evolve from the negative thinking of our human nature ego-self into the infinite level of your spiritual consciousness. Now when someone asks you how to eliminate negative thoughts from their minds, you have the answer.