how can we change our future?

how can we change our future?

Change is not comfortable for some, it can scare or confuse's and for various reasons the human sub-consciousness or consciousness could convince the mind to be affected in a negative way when confronted by it. For others, change can have the complete opposite reaction, it can inspire, motivate and excite to innovate, create, explore and so on.

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If we look at change within the evolution of technology and the critical role it has played to shape our very lives today, there is no doubt we need to respect its impact on our very existence in every way. I wrote this article because of the many people, blogs, articles, post... I have come across from time to time, one may say, the more technology we create, the more we need to create on top to manage/better it and maintain a sense of normality, while the process of integrations unfolds into our collective mainstream ecosystem.

why I believe in technology

Very few people know why I got into technology, being from online broadcasting, CMS, monetisation, eWallets and now in the last 4 years virtual/augmented reality technology. When my company develops tech, I am kind of my own case study or inspiration in a way, due to my child, teenage and young adulthood experience's. I spent from the age of 5 to 13 yrs old in and out of hospitals in Melbourne, Australia (where I was born) had many surgical procedures, recall spending weeks or months in hospital or at home recovering, in bed, on couch, wheelchair, most times detached from normality when we think of a child's activities. I had many operations on my left ear, which is a long story why (possibly another article), yet after many operations the last marathon procedure resulted in a radical mastoidectomy, this obviously has left a permanent scare due to on going monitoring or maintenance requirements, which is not the point here. The point is, what I find amazing looking back to the late 70's and early 80's is how the tech of those times, literally saved my life, I ask myself "would I be here without that medical technology?"

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So, the positive side of this experience is obviously a dedicated doctor, who studied all his life in order to save lives, embraced new technologies of his time and YES, saved me, which I am thankful for everyday and has inspired me in my professional life! The other side of this experience is the negative impact I recall e.g long hours in bed, siblings or childhood friends I missed being or playing with or life moment's that passed, hearing about what was happening in the outside world, waiting for my family to visit, not being able to swim under water for many years etc... I also could see early social insecurities or confidence issues as a result to this experience, which lead to being easily influenced or bad judgment for a period. Turning this negative to a positive, by experiencing the impact of tech, I got inspired to develop technology that never existed in my time for example, the mobile phone became a commercial product in the mid 80's and mainstream by the 90's, they weren't even close to the mobiles devices we have today. Social Networking became mainstream by the late 90's, changing our lives forever and computing hardware/platforms are now a standard requirement in every house hold, work place or institution. Kids of today can't even imagine life without the available technology/services, just like my generation which was born with a TV from day one, whereas our parents didn't grow up with one at all, today every bedroom has a TV or mobile device with broadcasting capabilities and technology integrated, you get my point. I constantly wonder, only if I had live streaming, social chat, online broadcasting, virtual reality in my child, teenage, young adulthood, maybe could of had a sense of normality, relief, success etc... or how many others are in my shoes, restricted to circumstances?

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Another significant experience that makes my belief even stronger today, is in my teenage and early adulthood, joining a band as the front man, singer/songwriter helped with confidence to say the least. Learning audio engineering at SAE opened my world to new tech, we experimented with analogue and digital in the 90's, trying to capture our sound, record multi tracks etc... I also built a pro recording studio thanks to my parents and unleashed many creative ideas if you like via music, relevant tech and entertaining performances, it was a great and unforgettable time in my life, saved me a second time in a way. The negative side of being in a band or running a studio was the limitations one had to advance careers in the 90's or early 2000's, MySpace, FaceBook, Youtube, Instagram etc... came a little late for us and had obvious limitations on how creative talent could earn a living or reach a global audience, get discovered etc.... The point is all these negative experiences most certainly, drive my innovative determination, vision and passion and helped me discover better ways to develop concepts and tech.

After my migration to London in 2004, my companies technology and commercial strategy demonstrates that in more ways than one and what we make available today in VR for entertainment, has extended to many other sectors, like medical/hospitals, education, fundraising, sports, property, fashion aviation etc.. we are currently building strategic partnerships, inviting investors to support our vision and getting ready to shake it up a little, meaning disrupt existing markets. In short, I want our virtual reality strategic solution via eyeora to allow individuals, business's, brands, educators, content creators... to have all the tools they need to broadcast high level online content/events, live or on demand, 2D or 360 VR, monetise, share revenue, personalise VR 3D rooms, user friendly CMS, build affiliations or promoter support, reward fans/audience, easy fundraising, secure eWallet managment.... access the solution anywhere your are on the planet. All with a key objective to obviously reach/benefit kids, teenagers, adults, elderly who are restricted by circumstances as well as help new business, inspire people to pursue or keep on pursuing a creative career path, while being rewarded financially, thats what drives our technology and will demonstrate our techs strength's in 2017, now that the services are available via apps/web. Thats why I believe in technology, because I have developed something I never had or was able to do in my day, which then evolved my reasons as time matured my professional experience and understanding of technology even further, I am certain everyone has their reasons at the forefront of every solution.

how do we change the future from here?

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Some times looking in the past, helps us understand 'how we should try and change our future' what can we improve in todays mainstream tech ecosystem to evolve and also benefit our very existence for the better? We are currently in another great technological transition, the kids of today will not only witness it's integration but be affected by its future outcome. So that tells me, we need to plan carefully, lets face it, todays system which we inherited is not exactly perfect, one can see the waste and damage in produce, energy, water, oil, polution etc... with a commercial impact and an obvious class divide due to poverty, suffering, health issues etc.. is that real progress? or as I see it, are we just getting through, day by day, year by year, until an epidemic or war forces an unwanted or non calculated change in time. As an advanced civilisation, we should be planning this current transition in a way never done before, avoid the mistakes of the past, God knows we have the technology to do just that now, let alone what will be possible in the next 5 years or so on.

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Automation, Robotics, AI, VR, AR, MR, iOT, Biometrics, BlockChain, Bitcoin etc... is a change that scares many, for example when robots are smarter than us, I hear, what will happen to our jobs? and in fairness it's a good question that needs consideration and planning as a global community. Managed & self-managed AI robot's are coming, what we need to determine is how we let them in, stating the obvious. What I normally do is ask standard questions, i.e: in Robotics case

What are the benefits?

  • less physical injuries at work - e.g robots can do all heavy and dangerous task
  • 24/7 fast and effective productivity, law enforcement, security, surgery, building etc
  • houses hold assistance free's up for more personal time
  • explore space, other planets with human managed or sefl-managed A.I robotics
  • less human stress, accidents, crime, dangers, time wasting etc...
  • intelectual evolution due to less everyday life distraction and negative emotions

What are the risk?

  • less jobs for humans - can be avoided with strategic planning
  • micro managed A.I interfaces - can be avoided with strategic planning
  • threat of A.I become smarter that humans - can be avoided with strategic planning

I am sure we can make this list longer, however for the sake of this article, how should we change our future, needs to be answered today, to research, agree and implement strategic planning, lets be aware of what kind of system we want tomorrow.

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My company obviously see's VR/AR/MR/AI/Robitics as a stepping stone towards a new way of a collective mass being i.e much more social, protected, professional, aware, included, experienced, connected, productive, educated, informed, entertained, affiliated, promoted, archived etc... a way to live or re-live moments or content as if there in person is already a market we need to consider and in progress. For example, in the 1990's if you didn't have a website, you where not considered professional, in the 2000's if you didn't have a website & app, you where not considered professional and in the 2017's if you don't have a website + app + 3D VR experience, you will not be considered professional and it will follow with A.I, AR, MR, Robotics etc.... on a business level as the bar gets raised on what it means to be professional, could ultimately determine if your target audience, fans, clients, partners, students etc... stay with you or move towards others that offer the new standard and convenience. Therefore staying innovative and current is critical to good business practice, even more so as technology keeps advancing at the rate we are currently witnessing, my tip is always avoid falling behind at every turn.

A collaborative solution

Everyone will go to do business as usual after reading this, no doubt, some will appreciate it, some won't, some will understand my reason for writing it, some will judge it in the wrong light, its human nature to have an opinion on everything we come across and that is perfectly fine in my book, thats how we got here and will keep getting ahead right.

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My real point of this article is, I want to invite like minded people into something a little more than just a Linkedin, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc... network, why don't we try build a community that has a sole focus to plan the best way to change the future with technology, the RIGHT way, for the greater good. YES, I know there are many groups or movements already looking to change the world and the overall system we live in, but few that actually follow through. United we have a louder voice, old cliche, but very true, currently the technology sector is progressing in many directions, everyone is in heavy R & D and no real collective voice is helping drive the right change technology can offer. Can't we use the same network technology that binds us together on these networks, towards a dedicated network that solely has open discussions, expert opinions, consultations and a collective influence to make the right change for our future advances?

(a song I wrote before starting my company and dedicate its message to our future)

Obviously, due to my personal experience, I have always wanted to make this world a better place in some way, I am not naive to think its easy to achieve a better level of existing for all and know there are many people out there are wanting the same. I guess individually we can get lost in the very system that needs even more positive change, not enough time to focus on contributing to something else, thats your choice in the end. I don't have all the answers and can only offer my expertise or opinion as a contribution to a collaborative solution, thats why I believe we need a more productive foundation to make a positive impact to our system.

I am interested to see what suggestions or ideas you have out there to getting started, either comment or direct message me, always open for a productive discussion, so let me start with how this can move forward:

  • lets launch a network - web/app/VR - I am willing to offer some tech to start it
  • lets raise awareness - forums, lectures, campaigns, events, projects, products
  • lets support each other - services, consulting, investments, fundraise

Living day by day and waiting for the powers at be to decide for us, is not only negligent, its offers even more risk in our times, we live in the age of technology, social, connectivity, networks, transparency, communication, travel etc... If we don't step up and make sure all our efforts and contributions don't go to waste in the future, then no one should complain if it eventually does. All I know is 'fail to plan, plan to fail' rings true in our times, for any issue or scenario and should be a standard protocol for any person, business, group, government and as one of the universes most advanced as well as unique civilisations we know of, so let's try to set an even higher standard for future solutions, who know's what tomorrow will bring and how we can prevent any negative circumstance.

I ask to don't simply read this and do nothing or go on as business as usual, are you someone who believes they can help make this world a better place in some way? then why don't we simply start trying together!

The Possibilities

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Imagine a future world that can allow the human being to have less negative emotional or phycological distractions and apply focus on inner growth, possibly trigger the evolution of more brain power due to less distractions. If we plan it right, its not that humans will not become useless due to technology advancements, removing negative emotional or psychological barriers, in return could allow our consciousness to become even more intellectually advanced, another way of looking at it. This can be due to free time to explore ourselves in more depth than ever before, isn't that what technology should do, offer a convenience to have more time for ones self growth or being? Some very educated and talented people have shared and discussed this topic to me over the years, all I know is when I tune out negative energies, my state of mind is more open, productive, stress free, understanding etc....

Imagine we can design a better system all together, a way to reduce working hours and increase personal time, eliminate illness, suffering, poverty, hunger, war etc... unite as a community who research, discuss and decide the best ways to demonstrate a better option to the powers at be, gain their attention, support and actions e.g build a system that doesn't reward contribution with a salary, rather with a better life plan.

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I once begun to build a concept of the perfect system i.e how do we remove the traditional salary system and change it for a better reward system, could we make education free for all, housing and food available for all, less working hours/days/months i.e something robotics can allow us to aim for etc... and you know what, my answer is YES, it is possible, but without building a small community that is willing to discover and test the system, it would be impossible to demonstrates it's potential, what if we gained enough support to make that happen? e.g eventually design, build and demonstrate a better system via a small community of 10,000, leading the way for a new type of communal existence, without removing the desire to contribute or risk of becoming useless, rather the opposite. I started planning of such a project, but once again, I am one person, need to work, run a company and can't address all the expertise or hours required to make it happen realistically, however, together we have a chance.


YES, I am a dreamer and believe without dreams this world would never change, I launched my company to offer solutions, which is just the start for me and I see many start ups, founders, entrepreneurs, visionaries, professionals etc... doing the same. I have so many connections in my network, on many platforms and wanted to clarify that sometimes, what we do in life, is due to what life has done to us. As individuals we decide to share that experience in a positive or negative action, no one else, yes, everyone will make mistakes, its learning from them that matters. We could all feel sorry for ourselves, give up, not try to better a situation etc..... but let me say that our true purpose as beings is to learn, grow and make a positive contribution to our time's and future generation to come. Don't you agree?

a dream you dream alone is a only a dream, a dream you dream together is reality!
John Lennon

A.I. and Emerging Technologies Educator, Entrepreneur, Author, Speaker and Advisor. M. Ed. Peace Ambassador. Founder of A.I. for All Inc. Let’s talk about Peacebuilding using AI and emerging technologies! ???

7 年

Dear Daniel, Your Vision echoes my heart's desire, plans and writing to date. I can't wait to talk and work together towards mutual goals... I wrote a book in 2013/ pub in 2015, the tech is outdated now but the concepts are not... (free PDF download). Please peruse as I know our Dreams are so similar. I have begun a VR CO and a cryptocurrency to power activities within VR worlds. Really looking forward to our conversation. Thank you for your openness and sharing for a Better World! In gratitude, Joy



7 年

Thanks for sharing your dream, Daniel. Probably the distance between now and the desired future is our different version of the desired future. I believe a growth that is incremental, is less painful for many. Too drastic, its a revolution and no revolution does not have its fair share of pain. My partner and I is doing a marketplace where anyone can work for anyone's dream, and they in turn work towards their own dream. Sound dreamy, yes and it will take time to accomplish. It will involve WebVR and it is a pivot from my current gig.


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