How can supermarkets improve consumers' online shopping experience?
Felipe Salvador
Lideran?a / Marketing / Dados / Desenvolvimento de Novos Projetos / Estratégia
Everything is a matter of expectation and reality, so I believe that the word experience always guides us to care, and taking this into account we need to resort to a first news:
The growth of retail where 20.8% of retail purchases are expected to be made online by 2023
There is no denying that online shopping is popular these days, There's no denying that online shopping is popular today and part of our everyday consumer life, no wonder we expect that by 2023, 20.8% of retail purchases will be made online. More than that, US online retail sales trends will return to the two pre-pandemic trajectories with 9.3% growth, totaling US$ 1.137 Trillion. A figure so significant that it represents 17% of the US$ 6.3 trillion expected by global e-commerce sales.
And if the present is so expressive and exciting, what will it be like in a few years' time?
Well, Research shows that this is more than a trend and that by 2026, 24% of retail purchases are expected to be made online, where customers will continue to turn to the Internet whenever they want to make a retail purchase as the big difference will be accessibility to channels along with the ability to plan, which today is precisely the great clash between the customer's unplanned need against the speed of delivery, driving last-mile startups and picking as necessary as the number of deliverers available. ?
The generation gap and the growth of digital accessibility
The average age of consumers looking for good service and purpose should also be another point of personalization in retailers' sales campaigns, especially when we have Hootsuit Digital pointing out very relevant numbers such as the growth in the number of internet users;
For ex:
in 2018 the guide pointed out in the world a number of 4.021 Billion users, with a growth of +7% (+248 million) compared to 2017. Post-pandemic, an unwanted event but which has enhanced the digital transformation of companies and the need for people to use it, the digital guide pointed out in the 2023 results, 5.44 Billion users, that is, + 35.3% (+1.42 Billion compared to January 2018), a number that also makes us reflect on whether the increase in service professionals, marketing, costumer succes, etc. to then offer a better experience. ?
Segmentation and different generations
Older generations or even Millennials in their early adulthood did not have as much purchasing power as generations Z and Alpha have today and this changes a lot about the topics: digital finance and the payment options that retailers have, Marketing and the discount clubs or cash-back, while digital accessibility for desktop and mobile, fair pricing are valuable topics for older generations due to the fact that they research more.
Pricing, On-Shelf Consistency and Digital Presence
Fast delivery time and assertiveness in items today are crucial, no wonder startups like Instaleap that work with last mile are so on the rise, but as we saw earlier there are important themes, among them digital presence, after all nowadays, the first point of contact that a customer has with a company usually occurs online, especially if the company is present in social media. Secondly, the coherence between the online price and the shelf in the physical store should bring us many chapters and innovative cases in the coming years, as ex. the % of online searches have grown so much that many "abandoned carts" become a purchase in the physical store, and it is thinking about this need of the store operation that solutions such as electronic labels such as Pricefy by Selbetti offers, become the great differential to meet the speed of price changes and conference between the value of the physical shelf with the digital one.
As we saw in the article above, supermarket retail or retail as a whole has been growing and demanding a lot of speed, assertiveness to meet on the same scale all the growth that has been having.
Felipe Salvador
is a Retail Segment Owner at Selbetti Tecnologia, has extensive experience in retail and strategy, innovation and marketing consultancies. He creates and manages the commercial strategies and engagements in Brazil for the retail segment, with a focus on economic prosperity and corporate management, overseeing efforts to achieve goals, adding speed by creating probable scenarios under combinatorial mathematics. As a result, he promotes new strategic processes that affect the company's marketing and products, in addition to sales; Providing innovative leadership, stimulating greater development and involvement between areas. C-level executive with extensive experience in strategy, innovation, marketing and data analytics in the B2C/B2B retail and technology sectors.
In addition, Elected best student of strategy and innovation at Harvard (2021), winner of the Popai Brazil podium (2021 and 2022) and top 3 mkt managers Brazil by Abras (2022). Nominated for the Zero Awards in 2023, he is Coauthor of the Book "Men who inspire" (2023), has an active academic life around the world, columnist for blogs and magazines in BRA, ARG, NZ and USA and was described by the Dir. of diversity at Nasa as "Innovator / Creator".