How can a solid content strategy create a more resilient business?

How can a solid content strategy create a more resilient business?

If you think content is just a tool to help you develop leads then you’re doing it wrong. 

Let’s consider some key elements which help your business not just survive, but thrive in hard times and how your content strategy can help underpin this: 

  • The number one priority is trust. When things change rapidly and your customers aren’t sure of their next steps, they need to be able to trust that you will understand their shifting needs and support them whatever happens. Of course, much of this trust is built through personal relationships, but your proven ability to deliver relevant, useful and insightful knowledge will create a cornerstone for a trusting relationship with your customer base. 
  • Secondly, we need to look at the ability to pivot. Never more important than currently, as some industries are almost obliterated and others have risen meteorically from near-obscurity. For a resilient business to survive, particularly in Covid times, you need to make sure your finger is on the pulse of your industry, spotting opportunities as they arise and having a deeper than ever understanding of the needs of your customers. Companies which have opened up a sharing loop and are actively listening to customers are much better positioned to spot (and jump on) opportunities when they arise.
  • Finally, we need to look at communication and a company’s ability to keep open the lines of communication with customers in light of both of the above points. The ability to spot opportunity and flexibly move to deliver on it is only as good as your ability to ensure your market understands and embraces your new direction. If you’ve been regularly sending out sales-focussed emails which divert into junk folders, your capacity to make the most of a pivot will be severely limited. However, if your customers welcome your communications and see value in them, driving up click rates and interaction, you’ll be in a much stronger position to drive the growth of any new products or services. 

Instilling a ‘share-first’ mentality across your team is the best way to support resilience and an ability to capture opportunities as they arise. Find out more about how you can build resilience in your business through a solid content strategy, or how The Share Theory can help you deliver on key projects to raise awareness among your customers, email [email protected] for more information. 


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