How can an SAP specialist use LinkedIn networking for career improving

How can an SAP specialist use LinkedIn networking for career improving

You have probably heard the phrase before (or been the one who said it) "I am a self-made person." But everyone who did a good deed for us or just praised us contributed to our character and personality formation.

"Independent" workers can be good ones but rarely become leaders in their field. Cooperation is more important than competition in today's world, so knowing the "right" people is vital to building a career. After all, the wider the circle of acquaintances, the easier it is to solve complex tasks. That is why so much attention is now being paid to networking.

Today we will talk about networking for SAP specialists and how to use LinkedIn for that.

LinkedIn is one of the best networking platforms out there. Its concept itself was created around the exchange of business contacts. Search filters allow you to find the audience segment you need and hit the right connections point-by-point. Want to find IT professionals from a specific country or region? Please, here is the list. Are you interested in attending an industry event? Here are all the upcoming events and groups with participants. Do you want to find a specific expert in the field? Easy! Just specify his position or specialisation in the search filters.

Online networking is generally great, especially in constant busyness and non-stop running. Kudos to social networks that made the impossible possible. Now you can find the right person in a matter of minutes. And the probability that your message will be read is relatively high, even if we are talking about a rather high-status person.

Let's go back to LinkedIn and understand the rules for establishing business relationships.

Bring order to your page

Before writing from a personal page, you must critically evaluate what impression it makes on the person on the other side of the screen. An account with a strange nickname or without a photo is immediately put on the waiting list.

Make sure your LinkedIn profile is filled out. Meaning all the sections on your profile have no gaps and blank spaces. Why? Because LinkedIn prioritises complete profiles over empty ones. So, if an employer looks up your job title, you will likely pop up on page #1 if your profile is completely filled out.

Your page = your personality, professional experience, and hobbies. Agree business correspondence against the background of publications about unrequited love will look strange.

Remember optimisation. Please read our article with tips on optimising your LinkedIn profile for your SAP job search and networking.

Start networking with people you already know

There are many ways to extend your LinkedIn network, but the first and most reliable way is connecting with people you already know. And luckily, there's a straightforward way to find them on LinkedIn.

Begin by importing all your phone contacts on LinkedIn and sending them a connection request. Then, use the "People you may know" feature to find more people you might have missed from the same school, firm, or SAP industry. You can do this by tapping on the My Network tab in the navigation bar and scrolling down to the "People you may know" section.

Communicate with strangers from the SAP world

Get to know other users and companies within the SAP ecosystem. Be sure to write about yourself, and explain why you are interested in the contact. Maybe your paths have already crossed at offline events, or you just saw exciting comments on the thematic page. Show that your choice is conscious! Writing to strangers can be intimidating at first, but this way, you can gain precious information and experience!

You should not send invitations to strangers who have no connection with SAP and are engaged in opposite matters, for example, philology or geodesy. Chances are, they won't be interested by your content.

Keep your smartphone handy

Business cards are a thing of the past. After meeting new people, it is better to find on LinkedIn and contact them immediately. To be easily recognised and remembered, write a short message: who you are and where you met (you can also add a joint selfie).

We recommend that you prepare a template of such a message in advance to adjust it later quickly.

Join SAP-related groups

Such groups bring together SAP professionals with similar interests to share their knowledge, ask questions, and discuss topics they want to learn more about. In addition to new acquaintances, LinkedIn groups will help you demonstrate your own experience and knowledge. By leaving thoughtful comments under publications in target groups, you significantly increase your chances of recognition.


LinkedIn makes it easy to find and join these groups. All you need to do is search for specific keywords - SAP, SAP career, etc.

The PROSAPIA LinkedIn page has more than 4,000 people connected to the SAP world in one way or another. Well, turn it into a powerful networking tool! Make new acquaintances, ask questions and share your experiences in the comments.

We are also open to communication, so feel free to contact us and discuss your SAP career!

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