How can product leaders overcome challenges and achieve lasting growth?

How can product leaders overcome challenges and achieve lasting growth?

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Aspire Expert and Global Practice Leader for Product and Innovation at Amazon Web Services (AWS), Craig Strong , offers ideas for how leaders can deliver growth using active portfolio management and building empowered product teams.

For many of us, delivering growth from the new product portfolio often means navigating challenges and developing new ways of working. Here are some insights from Craig, in his latest essay for Aspire.

Key insights:

  • Learn why effective product portfolio management is crucial and how it contributes to growth.
  • Explore the impact of poorly performing internal products and strategies to mitigate them.
  • Gain insights into aligning metrics, culture, and tools for enhanced decision-making.
  • Understand the importance of a Lean/Agile Product Lifecycle and well-defined product taxonomy.

Craig emphasises the need for a fundamental shift, aligning your product discipline and organisational metrics. Discover how to empower decision-makers, foster a culture of continuous improvement, and achieve high rates of success in your growth journey.

Read the full essay here.



