How Can One Tackle the AI Hiring Bias?
Businesses have found it easier and more time-efficient to fill job openings owing to the vast improvements in technology over the last few years. The expanding usage of artificial intelligence in particular, has also had a significant impact on efforts to enhance diversity within firms and industries. However, the bias that tags along with artificial intelligence is frequently unintentionally incorporated into algorithms and can undermine firms' genuine efforts to enhance diversity. Here are a few helpful tips to help eliminate or reduce bias in AI:
One famous example of AI bias in hiring is Amazon’s experience with an AI recruiting tool that turned out to be biased against women after being trained with 10 years of recruitment data, which accidentally taught the AI model that men had historically been preferred over women in tech professions. So for businesses that decide on using AI as a part of its hiring process, it is absolutely crucial to understand the different ways that bias may affect their results!