How can I Overcome Adversity & Build Resilience?
A question many of my friends, colleagues and clients have asked over the years, in a variety of direct and indirect forms. Primarily because at that time, or in the recent past they too were facing some adverse situations, or making mistakes that often left them feeling defeated, unworthy and like complete failures, and they were unsure of what they could do. If you can relate to that feeling, you will likely find this post of interest.
For me this topic has always been of interest, which is why they would often talk to me about this, and seek my advice on the best action to take. Not much has differed in my general response since then, but over the years my own learning on this topic has certainly broadened as I too have faced my share of adversities and failures, and I have realised there is no magic fix, but there is a solution, and that to learn from these mistakes, a lot is dependent on mindset, resilience and grit.
For this post I want to focus on resilience in particular.
Overcoming Adversity With Resilience
Resilience can improve our abilities to overcome the different adversities in life and at work.? It can have numerous positive effects, including; improving our relationships, assisting in conflict management, and decreasing the anxiety and stress related to our careers.? Failure is one of the common adversities that we must overcome.? How we handle our emotions that result from a failure is key to turning a negative into a positive.?This stands as a foundation to the development of great resilience.
Below is a simple four step framework that can be implemented to overcome adversity, in any area of life or work, and build resilience.
1. Acknowledge & Accept Mistakes
Failure is everywhere, it’s a reality of life. But when failure is often defined as the lack of success, it is clear that our perspective has been moulded to view failure in a negative light.? We need to begin to realise that failure allows for growth. It allows for progress. In this new light, we must change the way we think about failure.?
Failure is necessary.? Failure is a risk taken.? Without our failures, we would not evolve, and this is true in the workplace also.? Recognising our failures, rather than ignoring, hiding, or blaming others for them, will relieve stress and anxiety and improve our relationships with friends and family, colleagues and clients.? Being comfortable to recognise our own failures shows a level of honesty and depth of character, where there is no need for perfection. People that can embrace this side of themselves, also tend to be much more approachable and trustworthy.? By recognising failure we also prepare to better deal with the failure and identify the possibilities for solutions.?
2. Fix The Mistakes
Failures open the door to improvements, both in ourselves and at work.?? What we learn from our failures is often more important than the act of failing itself.? How can we learn from our mistakes?? We must first and most importantly turn the negative failure into a more positive plan for future learned action.? Here are some examples:?
3. Evaluate & Adjust
Are your changes effective? That’s the question to ask when evaluating the changes you’ve made to your actions or behaviours, your improvements.?Without learning from mistakes, evaluating what can be done differently and making necessary adjustments we run the risk of failures repeating themselves. And when this happens no learning takes place. If you are able to make effective changes that achieve a different, more desired outcome, then the failures are positive.
As an example, let’s say for the past three quarters, you have worked on several projects. During each quarter, there was one project of which you missed the deadline, and had to request an extension. You’ve decided that missing deadlines is not acceptable, and created a plan so that this no longer your norm.?
Here are some questions to ask yourself in order to determine whether or not your plan is effective and will achieve the desired outcome.
4. Avoid Repeating The Same Mistakes
Learning from mistakes should not be just a one-time thing. Once you have learned from it, identified the behaviours or actions that can be changed and made the necessary changes to get a different result you should take this framework with you in your work and personal life.
A simple reminder of this framework:
Below are some simple steps to help you avoid the same pit-holes in the future
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