How can I manage time off fairly at Christmas?

How can I manage time off fairly at Christmas?

As we hit December now is the time to make sure you manage requests for time off at Christmas fairly and ensure that your service levels remain adequate. You are likely to come across conflicting requests for the same time, odd one days to go shopping, or extended weekends for festive events. Not to mention the ones that are prepared for a hangover after a Christmas party and want to book a day off!

Unless you operate a company shutdown over the Christmas period, managing the time off requests fairly can be a difficult one to navigate. And even then, Christmas seems to start earlier every year so you may be getting requests right now! Which is probably how you found this blog.

So where do you start? Firstly, what do your contracts and time off policy say? This will stipulate what bank holiday entitlement employees get and will tell you how many can be off at one time so you can look at what service levels do you need to maintain. Don’t have these documents in place – then that’s something Slice can help you with.

What is your holiday year, if it is January to December then have staff got holidays to use up? If it is different then you need to make sure they enough left for the rest of the year.

Legally you need to ensure that employees meet the Working Time Regulations of 5.6 weeks in the annual leave year. ACAS provides guidance on how you can work out holiday entitlement including bank holidays

Be clear yourself what you cover you need and what you can allow, now is not the time to wing it and risk upsetting your staff.

How do I organise time off at Christmas?

You should be prepared! To be fair you need to let everyone know what your expectations are; communicate any exceptions or changes required when requesting time off at Christmas as soon as possible.

For example, if your time off policy says you should give twice as much notice as the leave requested – at Christmas do you want more that 2 days’ notice for 1 day off? Will you operate a first come first served basis and set a deadline for requests? All this needs to be explained to employees so that are best informed before putting any time off requests in.

Christmas rolls around at the same time each year so there is really no excuse for it catching you by surprise!

What are my legal obligations?

Consider family and religious beliefs; both are protected characteristics under the Equality Act, if not dealt with appropriately could lead to an accusation of discrimination.

Be consistent! You want to maintain a harmonious workforce that are happy to return in January.? You can’t please everyone all the time, but a good employer will try to be accommodating and find a way that works for most. If you do get kick back or a disgruntled employee; talk to them directly and explain your reasoning if you have been unable to grant them their time off request. If you do get into a formal procedure such as a grievance, then ensure you handle it in line with your policy – you shouldn’t step outside of your processes just because its Christmas!

What are my options for time off at Christmas?

Post pandemic thinking now allows us to look at a more hybrid approach to working; could any allowances for home working be utilised or relaxed to give time off for short requests such as an afternoon to watch their child’s nativity?

Do you have a lieu time policy? If annual leave has been used up or it is only a few hours that are being requested, could you let staff make time up on another day?

The flip side to this is that you don’t have to give time off just because its Christmas, you do still have a business to run, and you want to make sure your employees have a business to return to in January.

As a business owner can I take time off at Christmas?

Set the example; as a business owner or manager there is sometimes more of a degree of flexibility to work your own hours, but this can cause resentment if they see you nipping out in the afternoon to do your Christmas shopping when they had the time off refused.

Be subtle! If you do call in and do a bit of shopping on the way back from a meeting; don’t shout about it when you come back into the office.

Christmas is a time for cheer!

We all know Christmas can get stressful and emotional for some people, so anything you can do to support your employees at this time of year will be appreciated.

If you have any questions on leave entitlement, how to deal with requests or just want to sanity check your procedures then get in touch either via our website or you can find us on LinkedIn



