How can I learn Finite Element Analysis?
(This is a 14min read. It may be more comfortable to read the whole article on my blog here)
This is a topic I get asked about quite often. Usually, it is phrased more like "where to start?" or "what is important to know". All in all, however, All those questions can be gathered into one coherent problem. How should you learn FEA!
At the start, I feel obliged to point out that I have a very specific view on this subject. A view that isn't "mainstream" I'm sure.
This is why I will start with a bit of a different question and that is:
Why do you want to learn FEA?
In all honesty, there are most likely millions of reasonable answers, but I will divide them into two groups.
Reason A: I want to write my own FEA solver!
First of all - congratulations! This is a very nice goal to have. As far as I know, this can be a challenge, but all rewarding things are! Sadly, I won't help you at all with that - or at least not now. Truth be told I wouldn't be able to write my own solver today without quite some time and internet access... and I have never even tried to do such a thing!
In all honesty, if that is your goal you can skip the rest of the article... it won't really help you I think. Also, I would suggest the book by Crisfield (among others) "Non-linear finite element analysis of solids and structures" (Second edition from Wiley). It has some python code snippets in it, so it might be helpful even if they use their own FEM code called PyFEM : )
Reason B: I want to design stuff!
Now we're talking! This is what I do and what I love! I don't really know how mathematics works in the solver itself, but I definitely understand what certain parameters do, and how to set up the analysis. Designing stuff in FEA (regardless if you do it at work or just for fun) is a completely different skill set than writing your own FEA solver.
If you ever opened a "typical" FEA book (like the one I mentioned above), and instantly got tired about all that math this is your place! I will strongly discourage you to learn those equations (needed in solver writing). In truth, you don't have to learn FEA math at all! I have never learned it, and I'm completely fine with using FEA in solving super complex problems.
Where it all goes wrong!
My approach may seem "dangerous" to you. I mean, whenever you go people tried to teach you the math behind FEA. I do something completely opposite, so of course, you may be doubtful. But I would encourage to try - I think you will quickly learn to enjoy my approach.
As an academic teacher with 10 years of experience, I'm fully aware where the problem starts. It is much easier to teach you how to write your own solver than how to use one. You don't need a license, practical application experience and everything is in the books (with nice "scientific" complex math to back it all up!). So what you were taught at the Uni is the "write the solver approach" - it was so much easier for the Academians!
No worries, nothing is lost!
If I ever get challenged about not knowing math I usually say that I'm a driver, not a mechanic. I don't care how the engine of my car work, I learn the traffic rules! And, I usually politely ask for a very specific example where the knowledge of math actually made someone's design possible/better. So far I only got one answer, and now I know that if I need to do the very complex math to even describe what I try to calculate... stuff will get serious!
I think that the best argument on how strongly I believe in that is... that I'm doing this for 10 years now. As you know engineering is a "risky business". If I make a mistake I can get sued for a lot of money. Which means that I bet a well-being of my family on the fact that my approach is actually reasonable - and with 4 kids on board, this actually means something.
So far, so good - nothing happened : )
Learning FEA for practical designers!
All right, if you are here, then most likely you want to learn how to do design in FEA. This is GREAT!
Let me start by saying this is a wonderful skill to have, and without a doubt, it had a huge impact on my career. I hope it will be as good or even better for you!
Finally, we can focus on how you can actually learn FEA!
Don't learn the software - learn FEA!
Software Vendors are on the other side of the spectrum from "academians teaching math". They will tell you what every button in their software does, but this isn't as practical approach as you would think. I still have no clue what a lot of buttons in Femap do. There is a chance I will never know...
FEA is far more about the ability to figure out how to model something properly, rather than how to quickly model it in the software. You can be very efficient in soft, and still, have no idea how to model and solve a problem!
Focus on how things work, how stuff interacts with supports etc. This is not an easy task, but it's a critical skill!
Think about it this way:
If you know what you want to model, but you don't know where to click you will ask "how to apply an XYZ to my model in software ABC?"
But if you know how to use the software, but don't know how to support the model you will ask "how to support my model?"
What do you think - which google search gives you a higher chance of finding an answer?
Decide on the software early on!
This may sound counterintuitive. I've just told you to learn FEA rather than software. And while this is completely true using one software makes sense. At least you won't have to search all the time how to apply loads and boundary conditions in whatever soft you want to use now.
Using one package means that in time you will learn how to use it "completely on your own". This is a nice thing! I've changed software before - this is not a tragedy. However, you do waste some time for searching "the same options" in the new software. Each new soft you learn goes quicker... but in the beginning, there is so much to learn it would be wise to stick to one soft!
Just ask around in your target industry what software is popular there... and use that one : )
Advice continue...
... read the whole article on my blog!
Want to learn FEA?
GREAT! I have a special free FEA course just for you!
Math Lecturer | Risk Consultant
6 年Jaman saya kuliah, belum ada software khusus Finite Element .. harus buat sendiri memakai C++ atau Visual Basic