How Can I Know my Instagram Bot Gives me Real Followers?
Instagram bots and automatic follower bots are widely used across Instagram’s platform nowadays, primarily to increase the number of followers on someone’s profile. There are multiple ways in which a bot-follower company can use their service to raise a user’s likes on a post, views on a video or a story, and even followers to compete with other accounts.
Whether or not the ‘followers’ acquired are legitimate or not is extremely hard to determine, and unfortunately all of the companies out there selling them claim that they are 100% real. But as we know this is indeed not the case in every industry. That makes it very hard to spot the real and fake ones. We will go into why they are used, the rules when using them, and whether or not you can trust them.
Why Do Companies Use ?
For any company that wants or already has an online presence, marketing is going to be the key determinant for success. Since over 77 million people are currently active in using Instagram, how you market yourself to stand out from that crowd is paramount if you want your voice to be heard on the platform.
When you’re scrolling through your feed and see a profile with 10k followers, you may not know who they are. Regardless, you start to make assumptions about the fact that you should trust them, because how could 10k people be wrong? This is precisely why companies want large accounts to promote products. They already have the trust factor built into them, and customers are much more likely to buy from them since they already have real Instagram followers.
What a lot of people with public accounts don’t realize is that some, if not the majority, of their followers, consist of Bot accounts. They appear as random users that have been paid to like and comment on your posts. These false accounts are usually owned, and paid for, by companies who get the bots to engage with their customer’s accounts before redirecting the bots back to their profile.
This will, in turn, increase their follower count, along with an increasing amount of likes & views on their posts. This has been described as an extremely rogue tactic marketing-wise by companies because it is a dishonest method used solely to increase the companies engagement on their social media.
What Is the Best Instagram Bot?
Let’s be honest right now: the key to ‘success’ on Instagram when it comes to having a large following is engagement. This is truer than ever since Instagram changed their algorithm from posts appearing in chronological order, to now appearing based on how well they perform. So if you really want to gain Instagram followers, it’s vital to increase interaction with your posts.
One of the most significant benefits to using an Instagram or an automatic follower bot over buying followers is the process that it goes through to increase your numbers. Let’s use an example for this one – imagine there is a fitness-based Instagram user whose content is solely based at middle-aged men wanting to lose body fat and build muscle; that is his target audience.
If this user went and bought 2000 followers, there is no guarantee that those 2000 followers will fit into his target market. Instead, he may get 2000 females aged 15 who want to follow makeup accounts – what is the likelihood of them a.) sticking around or, b.) engaging with his content? The odds are long on both of those.
This is where automatic follower bots come in. Instead of just randomly sourcing accounts to boost your page’s followers, what it will do instead is target the people that it knows are in your target market and that are engaging with you. The bots want REAL people to follow you so it will mimic you the best way it can by repeating almost any virtual task you would do yourself. This includes:
- Making comments on your demographic’s posts
- Liking photos of what relates to your account
- Following accounts that you are trying to target
- Unfollowing accounts which either don’t follow you back or unfollowing all the accounts to produce a net increase in follower ratio.
Instazood – what is it?
Instazood is an excellent way to fast-track your growth on Instagram simply because of its authentic methods in doing so. No matter whether you are just a solo page, or if you are a business operating on Instagram, Instazood can help to organically grow your following and fan base.
Instazood also offers various pricing packages to try and suit as many different people as possible. So even if you are just a small account starting out, or if you are an already well-established page looking to take it to the next level, this is without a doubt one of the best services to help do so on the market right now.
The use of Instazood couldn’t be easier if they tried. All you need to do is to sign up for the service, link your Instagram account, and just like that you are up and running after just a short 30 minutes.
The program will demonstrate extremely clearly how to set up your target audience, how and when is best to schedule your posts, how they will automate your direct messages, and then also how to best understand your analytics to make sure you are making the most out of the program.
Ever since Instagram bots first came to light, users have been receiving hefty bans from Instagram due to their choice of company performing unethical practices on the platform which have then, in turn, violated some of Instagrams guidelines. Instazood has never, and never will run into this sorts of complications so you can rest easy at night knowing that your account is in extremely safe hands.
Rules to Follow For Bots
- Only use one bot per profile; if Instagram detects that you are using more than one, your account will be swiftly banned, and you will not be able to re-activate it.
- Putting up quality content should still be your prerogative if you want to get real Instagram followers – using a bot will assist you in the process of getting people to see your content.
- You should first clearly identify who your target audience is, and who your ideal avatar is as well by asking yourself the following questions.
1- Who do you want to be in your following?
2- Who is going to like what you post?
3- Who is your competition?
4- How big is your demographic? Local? Regional? Global?
Using automated bots is a great way to get Instagram followers; however, there’s never a guarantee of whether the followers are real or not. While you may gain 5k with your bot, over time the followers may be paid or even programmed, to leave after a specific time frame once they have engaged with some aspects of your account. The only way to honestly tell is to use a bot combined with regularly posting engaging content, and then to assess what the outcome is.