How Can I Improve My Vocabulary? (9 Expert Recommendations)

How Can I Improve My Vocabulary? (9 Expert Recommendations)

The English language is voluminous, meaning you’ll never run out of new words to learn and use. Adding new words to your written vocabulary, developing a reading habit, playing word games, and taking courses to improve your memory are some effective ways to improve your vocabulary.

Building a strong vocabulary allows you to communicate your thoughts verbally and in writing. It helps you avoid confusion when conveying a message and pushes you to achieve maximum clarity.

Knowing how to communicate in a specific language is a powerful skill that improves your written communication vocabulary. The better you are at it, the better you can engage an audience and pique their interest.

Having a large vocabulary allows you to customize ideas and messages for specific audiences, say the same thing in multiple ways, and rewrite ideas from resources without copying the original words.

In this post, we’ll look at strategic ways to help you improve your vocabulary to achieve a sense of expertise and professionalism.

1. Develop a reading habit

Reading improves focus and concentration while helping you learn new things, including vocabulary. Developing a reading habit can be difficult for some people due to lack of time. However, there are various tips and tricks to help you develop a daily reading habit.

Setting aside time every day to read can help you become consistent. You can read early in the morning, while commuting, during lunch, or before sleep.

You should also find a quiet place without distractions, such as in your bed or a comfortable chair or sofa. If you are at home, turn off the TV, put your phone aside, and turn on silent. A quiet park can also be a great option as you enjoy the clean atmosphere.

There are two types of reading: passive and active. While passive reading is better than no reading, active reading offers a more direct approach. It involves highlighting important passages and writing notes in the book’s margin or a separate notebook.

You can also keep track of your reading by having a journal where you can jot down quotes you like and the names of the books you read. Reviewing your journal later helps you refresh your memory.

2. Learn one new word every day

Learning new words gives you extensive knowledge of English vocabulary. Words are the building blocks of any language, so mastering them can help you express yourself better in writing and speaking.

Start with one new word every day. Make it your goal to learn at least five new words per week. Look up the definition of each word in one of the many online dictionaries and write down its meaning, then use the word in an example sentence.

Keep a running list of the new words you’ve learned, and read it every night before you sleep. You can also create flashcards with the words and their definitions so that you can review them throughout the day.

When learning a new word, use it in the proper context for a better understanding. For example, if you learn the word “ebullience,” use it in a sentence such as: “He was filled with ebullience after getting the promotion.”

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