How can Earn $10k per month without Initial Investment?
The probability is infinitive. You probably know by now that Nathan built the Foundr Instagram account from zero to 1.9 million followers (and generated millions in sales to match). But he also built another brand, Healthish, to over $10,000 per month—solely through Instagram.
One of the biggest misunderstandings people sees among newcomers to Instagram is the belief that they need to have tens of thousands of followers before they can make any real money.
It’s simply not true.
Kylie Jenner is paid around $1.2 million for a single post on Instagram. Pretty amazing, huh? Obviously, if you’re not one of the world’s most well-known celebrities, your estimated earnings may vary depending on the following count, engagement, reputation, etc.
Getting to $10K/Month Isn’t Easy, but Can Be Done Systematically
Say you follow these three simple steps
getting followers, fans, and sales. You work with a few influencers, you do a couple of giveaways, and you reach your first big milestone: 10,000 followers.
To keep things as simple as possible, let’s say you sell a simple tote that you design.
Don’t worry! You don’t need to figure out inventory and logistics. There are lots of sites like Printful that handle all of the printing, shipping, and logistics for you. All you have to do is come up with a cool graphic idea or a saying you love and share a link with your followers on Instagram.
What kind of numbers could you expect? If 1 in 20 of your hardcore fans buys, that’s 500 orders. If you charge $20 for the tote that’s $10,000.
To earn $10,000, you only need 500 people to buy a $20 tote:
$20/tote X 500 customers = $10,000
Not bad for a relatively small account. And once you’ve got that reach, you can start multiplying these numbers by increasing your number of buyers, offering new products, doing additional promotions.
You can start small and get to 10,000 followers relatively quickly if you’re consistent. And if you can make it to that level, you can begin generating significant revenue from your Instagram account.
(If you want to grow and scale your business on fast then consider using this tool, It can help you get more real followers, likes and comments using organic automation- So, real growth and instants results)
And the best part is, once you hit that 10,000 follower threshold. At that level, other brands start reaching out to you to promote their stuff so you can get the free products—and even get paid to post.
It’s possible. Especially if you take a systematic approach. It’s entirely attainable to make a decent amount of money with Instagram—even with a relatively small amount of followers and No initial money.