How can coaching help working and busy  parents overcome personal and professional challenges?
Bridging Lives: Empowering Busy Parents through Coaching ??

How can coaching help working and busy parents overcome personal and professional challenges?

Dear LinkedIn Community,

"Your kids require you most of all to love them for who they are, not to spend your whole time trying to correct them." - Bill Ayers

Life as a working parent is akin to an intricate dance, with each step accompanied by the rhythm of personal and professional responsibilities. Just imagine, that you're twirling between deadlines at work, your child's school assignments, household chores, and your own dreams, aspirations and a few more... It's indeed a symphony of responsibilities, and at times, the music can seem a little chaotic. I know you are nodding your head a little by little!

"In raising children, we need to continuously keep in mind how we can best create the most favorable environment for their imponderable gift to unfold and flower." - Joseph Chilton Pearce

In the midst of this whirlwind, coaching emerges as a guiding force, like a seasoned choreographer helping you choreograph this intricate dance of life. Imagine it as your trusted dance partner, understanding your moves, lending a supporting hand when the beat gets tough, and guiding you towards a harmonious performance.

Parenting Riddle: What has keys but can't open locks?        
"Children must be taught how to think, not what to think." - Margaret Mead

Here at My Shishu, we profoundly resonate with the trials and triumphs of working parents. We recognize the hurdles and the joy that comes with balancing professional ambitions and the beautiful chaos of parenting. It's not just about being successful at work or acing the parenting game; it's about embracing both and finding a melody that harmonizes the rhythm of both worlds.

"The most beautiful thing in the world is to see your children smiling, and knowing that you're the reason behind that smile."

Our courses are a testament to this belief. We've created a unique blend of coaching methodologies intertwined with the narrative of a busy, professional life. The goal is simple - to equip parents with the right set of skills to navigate personal and professional challenges effortlessly. We guide you through the transition of pregnancy, empower you with the tools to navigate the ongoing journey of parenting, and assist you in striking the right chords of balance.

Parenting Riddle: What gets wetter as it dries?        
"Your children are not your children. They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself." - Kahlil Gibran

Coaching, in our view, is not about jargons or complicated theories. It's about having someone to talk to, a confidante who understands your story, a mentor who can provide a different perspective when you're stuck in the same dance move. It's like having a friend in the dance studio, cheering you on, and helping you perform your best routine.

"If you bungle raising your children, I don't think whatever else you do well matters very much." - Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis

In this beautiful dance of life, we're here to be your dance partner, ensuring that you hit all the right notes. Whether you're doing the cha-cha with your toddler or the tango in the boardroom, we're here, rooting for you, offering guidance, and celebrating every twirl and swirl.

Parenting Riddle: I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with the wind. What am I?        
"Our job as parents is to teach our children how to replace fear with love." - Robert Kiyosaki

Our vision at My Shishu goes beyond mere coaching. We believe that the only true caste and religion that unites us all is 'Parents and Parenting.' It's a universal language that transcends borders, cultures, and backgrounds. It's a shared journey of dedication, growth, and the dream of nurturing a better world through our children.

Parenting Riddle Answer: A Telephone        

So, let's waltz into this transformative journey together, supporting and empowering one another. For in this symphony of parenting and profession, we are each other's best orchestra, creating the most beautiful music of life. ??

Song Recommendation: "MUMMAS HAVE A SECRET" is a song by Nancy White, featured in her album "Gaelic Envy: A Compilation of Celtic Canadian Women"

Here’s how the song starts out:

"Mammas have a secret 
Daddies have, too 
it’s a little secret they’ll never tell you 
’cause if you don’t have a child so naughty and sweet 
they don’t want you to feel that your life is incomplete 
and if you have a child there’s nothing to say 
because you know the secret anyway."        

"Mammas Have a Secret" is a song that often evokes feelings of love, care, and the unique bond between a mother and child. In the context of parenting, it can be linked to the profound understanding that parents, especially mothers, often carry a depth of love and dedication for their children that is unparalleled. The song may remind us that beyond the daily routine and challenges of parenting, there's a profound and enduring love that parents hold for their children—a love that often remains unspoken or hidden like a "secret."

This can emphasize the importance of acknowledging and appreciating the sacrifices, love, and care that parents provide, recognizing that sometimes their efforts and emotions might not always be overtly expressed but are deeply felt and meaningful. It encourages us to value and reciprocate that love, understanding, and dedication in our relationship with our parents, creating a stronger and more nurturing family dynamic.

Looking forward to dancing to the rhythm of life with you.

Don't miss out, bloom with us! ?? Read our blogs on My Shishu website.

Warm regards,

Dr. ABhishek Pasari, Founder, My Shishu ??

#ParentingHarmony #CoachingForAll #MyShishuJourney ??



