How can anybody not believe, seeing such clear evidence of the creation?
It is because they tend to believe only what is seen with their eyes, touched by their hands, and understood with their knowledge and thoughts. Where, then, did their knowledge and thoughts come from? Did they have it since their birth? Their knowledge is acquired by learning and hearing from those who do not believe in God. And their thoughts come from this kind of knowledge. They do not tend to acknowledge the fact that there is a living invisible God. They do not acknowledge the signs and wonders recorded in the Bible.
But all the words in the Bible are truth itself. It is true that God created the heavens and the earth, and the signs, wonders, and powerful works actually took place. These things can be done only by God the Creator. They try to deny the Bible since it is neither understandable nor believable to them with their limited knowledge and thoughts. But signs and wonders in the Bible are all true.
In John 4:48 Jesus said, “Unless you people see signs and wonders, you simply will not believe.” The thoughts and frameworks of men break down when they see signs and wonders that are beyond human limits. When they experience something by the work of God that they thought was absolutely impossible, only then can they accept that only the Word of God is truth, although it does not coincide with their thoughts.
Evidences of creation manifested in nature
When we look at the nature, we can see more evidence of God the Creator. The earth rotates once a day and revolves around the sun once a year, and the moon rotates and revolves around the earth once a month. Through these revolutions and rotations, we have orderly phenomena on earth. We have day and night and the four seasons. There are ebb and flow of tides and circulations of the air. And, these movements and locations of the heavenly bodies are set precisely to be appropriate and suitable for men and living organisms to have life. The distance between the sun and the earth in its orbit is always at the most appropriate distance.
It will be too hot if it were closer to the sun, if it is too far, it would be too cold. The distance between the earth and the moon must not be any closer or further. The current distance is the best for ebb and flow of the tides. Because of the ebb and flow of the tides, the temperature and humidity are controlled and many natural phenomena take place. The distance regulates temperature causing the wind, moves the clouds, and distributes rain over the earth. It cannot either be closer or farther than it is now. The earth has been rotating and revolving in such an orderly way without the slightest error, at the optimum distance, for an immeasurable amount of time.
It says although God’s qualities and His divine nature are not visible to us, it is clearly seen in all things. It means we cannot give excuses saying we did not believe in God because we did not know He existed. Even though we do not see God directly, we can realize that God the Creator does exist and there is only one Creator, because the evidence of God the Creator is embedded in all things in the universe that was created by God.
But seeing that almost all things have one structure and function, we can surely understand that they were precisely designed and created by only one God the Creator.
.” Would you be able to believe this? Unless you are a fool, you would never believe it.
But saying this world and everything in it were made by evolution makes less sense than saying this about the watch. How could the movement of the universe, which is incomparably more precise and accurate than that of a watch, be the result of chance? How could such an elaborate universe move in strict order by itself? This is possible only because the universe and everything in it was designed and created, and is ruled by the wisdom of God. God the Creator made all these things with His power and is causing it all to move. Because we have this kind of evidence, nobody can give an excuse on the final Judgment Day.
We, who live a life of faith in this church, always witness the clearest evidence. We see and hear of countless people being healed and blessed through the power in the name of the Lord. You also personally experience such works yourself. All these works are done in the name of the Lord. We should give glory to God, not to the servant of God. The servant of God is just an instrument used by God. However, you still need a servant of God to pray on your behalf because you don't have an intimate relationship with God. Even when you pray, God does not answer your prayers. You don't have a close relationship with God because you haven't lived in the light. That is why you ask the pastor to intercede for you and request prayer, but the answer comes from God. You also need to meet certain qualifications to receive an answer, and then you will receive it.
Manmin Summer Retreat 2024 Divine Healing Meeting on Monday, 29 July ,2024 start 9.30 pm on GCN YouTube can be seem all over the world . Cancer is due to an acquired DNA problem in some of cells and then they keep producing bad cells. Therefore, in order to be healed of such diseases, a person has a higher price to pay within justice. Still, if he is recognized according to justice by showing perfect faith before God, he can be surely be healed. Jeremiah 32:27 says, "Behold, I am the LORD, the God of all flesh; is anything too difficult for Me?" Since it is God who created our body, no matter what problem occurs to our body, God can cure any of them. But the speed of healing process can be decided by how completely each of you depend on God and trust Him. If you have no wall of sin between God and you, and if you are not ones who changes in your faith, you can be healed of your diseases with prayer just one time. However, there are cases that the situation may improve gradually as the faith grows. God the Father weighs heavier the change of your heart into a sincere one than your body into a healthy one. I believe there are many of you who wish to be healed of diseases or to receive answers to your heart's desires. The key to all your problems lies in your heart. If you accomplish a sincere heart to be proper according to the spiritual law of justice, the healing works and answers will be given to you instantly in the spiritual time flow.
Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Soojin Lee