How to buy a personal computer... Wait, I mean How to use AI...
***Disclaimer... I re wrote this ad almost word for word replacing Apple computer with AI... the word tracks and marketing are remarkable similar...Love the throwback 苹果 ad... all they were missing was emojis ??***
Suddenly everyone is talking about AI. Are you ready? The best way to find out is to follow Project X Labs . They will answer your unanswered questions and show you how useful and how much fun personal computers can be. And they will help you use AI to meet your personal needs.
Who uses AI?
Thousands of people have already discovered AI -- businessmen, students, hobbyists. They're using Project X for financial management, complex problem solving-- and just plain fun. You can use AI to analyze the stock market, manage your personal finances, control your home environment and to invent an unlimited number of sound and action video games. That's just the beginning.
What to look for.
Once you've unlocked the power of AI, you will be using AI in ways you never dreamed of. That's when the capabilities of AI really count. You don't want to be limited by the availability pre-programmed cartridges (wow that sentence sounds old ??). You want AI that you can also program yourself. The more you learn about AI the more your imagination will demand. So you will want AI that can grow with you as your skill and experience with AI grows. Project X is the one.
... ok that's enough copying of Apple's Ad, the last part that made me laugh a little was the 'How to get one' section. Apple said to call them and they will give you the name of their local Apple dealer rep. That's some impressive personal service...Is your current business taking care of your customers that well???