How Businesses Contribute To The Second Sentence Of The Formerly Incarcerated
Image: Getty Post Written by: Kevin Gay Former Forbes Councils Member Forbes Nonprofit Council COUNCIL POST

How Businesses Contribute To The Second Sentence Of The Formerly Incarcerated

Part of the challenge of prison reform in our country is defining the?nature of the problem and what remedies are available for a cure. More than any other time in recent history, Americans recognize the failure of our correctional?systems to rehabilitate. We are witnessing?an epidemic of mass incarceration, with almost?2.2 million citizens?residing in our jails and prisons. For the most part, we know there is a problem, but what can we do about it?

There is important, transformational work taking place in states like?Texas?and?Pennsylvania, where we are starting to see prisons and jails close rather than proliferate. This is a step in the right direction. I like to think of these as first sentence remedies. This is where law enforcement, prosecutors, public defenders and policymakers come together and enact smart on crime law that takes a comprehensive approach to criminal justice reform, like we are doing in?Duval County. We hope to see more of this.

The Second Sentence?

There is a more subversive, insidious cause that we are exposed to every day in our?work, and it will take more than smart law to disrupt this cause. The second sentence of the formerly incarcerated is a stigma that each of us contributes to. It begins the moment a returning citizen is released. Sometimes the second sentence is easy to recognize, like the “have you ever been convicted of a crime” question on an employment application. Other times, it is harder to identify, like when we cross the street to avoid a homeless person asking for spare change.

There is a viscous churning of the dispossessed in our country. Close to 11 million people will cycle through jails this year. We?jail?the poor incessantly for lack of better options. Individuals stack up at the bottom of our social hierarchy without sufficient inspiration or motivation to change. ?What does sufficient inspiration to change?really?look like, and is it possible to illuminate this inspiration in?a?person who has been stuck at the bottom for?months, years or perhaps even?decades?

Here are some things we know. More than 8 out of 10 times, a client of our program who has been placed in a job will not return to jail or prison. Compared to the five-year?national recidivism rate,?which states three out of every four released prisoners will be rearrested, we can correlate securing a?job with avoiding arrest. Getting a job is a good strategy, but it is not enough to overturn the wheels of institutional and generational incarceration in the short-run.

Where You Come In

Each person has their own calculation for deriving meaning and purpose in life. It could be spiritually based, it could be to provide economic benefit to dependents or it could be the pursuit of?love, beauty and truth. Rarely is it ever a solitary adventure. The folks who come through our program appreciate the compassion they receive the moment they come in the door. For many of them, it is the first time they have had a support network of people. It’s relationship to people -- not jobs, technology or handouts -- that ignites the?internal part of our character that we tap into to transform into our higher self.

If I truly take stock of my actions, I can see where I have sentenced the formerly incarcerated to the invisible life sentence of?lesser than. Upon what authority have I levied this sentence? The fact that I haven’t served time? That authority falls apart quickly if I’m not deceiving myself. Who among us can lay claim to a perfect?legal trail of action and decision making? ?More often than not, our “perfect” path can best be described as not getting caught. It is at this moment that many of us recognize our own brokenness. When we reconcile our brokenness with the dispossessed, a small but important miracle happens. We?are able to?connect as humans, and a new space is created for possibility and personal transformation for all.

What if each of us made the commitment to treat the person returning home as if they were a close family member or friend? Could it be the antidote to the second sentence we desperately?need in our communities today?

The nonprofit community has a great opportunity to lead the way by offering second chances and employing the formerly incarcerated.?I suggest that organizations consider "banning the box" on employment applications and use an open hiring process when it makes sense. Initiatives like the one we have in Jacksonville, Florida called "Project Open Door," which encourages employers to delay criminal background inquiries until the interview, are helping employers navigate the process of launching an open hiring philosophy.

Will you consider being the next organization to provide a fair and just opportunity for someone who has made a mistake and help?end the second sentence? We sincerely hope you will.


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