How Business Leaders Sabotage Their Desires
Lukaijah Tarquino
Executive Coach | Intuitive Business Mentor | Legacy Consultant | I help leaders launch their personal brand and dissolve the patterns that sabotage love and abundance.
I found when coaching and mentoring successful business leaders who wanted greater freedom, peace, and self mastery, the most difficult part of the work for them was the integration of the aspect of them that wanted to hold onto control rooted in a fear based mechanism. Allow me to unpack this.
These business leaders came with a desire for one or a combination of these things:
a. To find lasting inner peace and connection with their true self
B. To re-align their business with their true purpose
c. To increase revenue in a way that generates more emotional wellbeing and time freedom
d. To transfer the essence of their success in business to every area of their lives for whole life mastery
e. To become liberated from fear based momentum, stress, and constant hustle
f. To receive the devotion and love of a truly loyal life partner
All of this is possible when you are willing to allow for deep identity recalibration to an authentic self level. Meaning, you are willing to face and alchemize the fears and pain that contribute to unhealthy patterns and mechanisms that sabotage these desires from being received.
Today I want to illuminate how unconscious attachment to control can sabotage receiving these desires.
Let's look at one of my successful clients we'll call Ben. In reaction to a painful experience early in life, a survival mechanism was formed that set himself up to be the one in control - the person at the top - in order to feel safe. While this propelled achievement and success on an external level, there is an aspect of self that had been created in reaction to that original pain/trauma and this aspect of self is still perceiving life through a lens of fear and a faulty belief system. This aspect within Ben, ultimately has him push people and opportunities away that are possible threats to the false safety that the fear based control gives him.
With deep self awareness, Ben started to become aware of the distinction between healthy self preservation/self respect that allows him to create sovereignty and empowerment in his life, and the aspect of himself that was created in reaction to a painful situation that stands guard and maintains false control to maintain an illusory safety and distorted empowerment based on fear and manipulation.
Ben realized he needed to dedicate time to do the inner work to drop into the heart and truly distinguish the difference between the soul personality and different levels of his overlayed personalities created from trauma or fear. He realized it was the only way to be able to continually give the reigns to the authentic self and become receptive to what he actually wanted which was true connection and inner peace.
He realized that the specific method, survival mechanism, and identity aspect that he used to build a successful business is now the precise method/mechanism/aspect that is keeping him from the peace, love and everything he so deeply wants.
He was willing to be humble enough to admit that he had created a false sense of safety through external success, and filled an inner void through identifying with that success, which had trapped him in an energetic prison through the aspect of his identity that was sourcing externally to maintain its status quo.
Then he began to draw his power back from this pattern and aspect of self and allow the deep process of aspect integration to become liberated from unhealthy patterns of fear and control. He became more open hearted, self aware, loving, wise, and present with everyone in his life. He was able to attract his most resonant partner and shift his business to create the time he wanted for his newly awakened passions.
But to do so he had to acknowledge the prison he had created for himself. There are many different types of mental and spiritual prisons that these aspects of self can create, and ultimately when one realizes that they are unhappy and not at peace, then it is time to dedicate to the path of liberation and whole life mastery.
If you find yourself in that place, I want to reassure you that it doesn't mean letting everything go and walking the path of a mystic. I personally went from having a successful growing business in Japan to a fully surrendered path of letting everything go in order to learn what I now share with leaders today, so they don’t have to go through that hard journey. I cultivated the skillset of a magi, to be a trusted advisor to today's leaders, so they could maintain their position in life and not have to let everything go and be stripped of everything to learn their lessons.
So Instead of letting everything collapse and starting over, there is a way to go through internal aspect integration and end all self sabotage to get what one truly wants - without having to loose everything first. To do this, you must allow the aspects of self that are utilizing fear based control patterns to be lovingly guided through evolution and eventual full integration with the main soul personality.
This process is a deep psychological and spiritual evolutionary process that can be accelerated with the right container and aligned guidance, ideally from a magi with multidimensional sight.
If you can see there is an aspect of you that maintains control through a fear based perspective, this evolutionary process will lead to a major choice point:
Will you allow this fear based aspect of you that helped you build everything you have to continue to operate in your unconscious, sometimes taking the reigns, and influencing you through the shadows, or will you face the fear and alchemize the pain in which created it, and trust through its dissolution and integration a new energy will arise and embody in you. Will you trust that everything it brought you and gives you can be received through a new updated method and way of being? Will you commit to becoming a liberated leader embodied in a new paradigm of benevolent fearless heart based leadership from the soul?
There is one thing I can guarantee when there is about to be a huge breakthrough of growth and liberation: that aspect of you that does not want to cease existing will do whatever it can do to push away the opportunity for healthy integration in order to maintain the false safety, false control, and false empowerment that you have become comfortable with.
It will take a great willingness to dismantle your levels of identification for enough time to re-organize everything for a higher coherency and soul embodiment. It will require high level of self restraint, self awareness, humility, and devotional commitment to complete this initiation into the next level of your liberated leadership.
In my experience, clients who said yes to their evolution and made it through this entire process, willing to allow healthy ego death, and were humble enough to give the reigns of false control to their authentic self (which often takes 6 months to 1 year), all became more empowered, more aligned, more confident, and more abundant in every area of life.
The one client who did not take the leap of faith when that choice point was offered in the work and stopped the process prematurely in order to maintain a false control, when checked on years later was in a worse space energetically, mentally, spiritually, and financially.
If you are going to initiate a path of evolution and aspect integration, make sure you see the process all the way through.
Over a decade of doing this magi coaching and mentoring work has led to the development of distinctive proprietary protocols in a system called Whole Life Mastery.
I am looking forward to help other leaders cultivate the next level of whole life mastery, become liberated from internal sabotage and embody the resonant match to what they truly want.
The pre-requisite is you must be willing to let go of the false control that is sabotaging the next level of your highest path.
With love,
Lucas Diamond