How bureaucracy is literally killing us


Firstly, let us examine the Lindt café siege the prime minister called the nsw police minister and offered to send the SAS to help resolve the situation. The sas were in Sydney at the time not to far away from the city centre and were much more equipped and experienced to deal with the situation. They have combat experience live fire drills and know how to prepare for the breech. The have far superior weapons armoury and tactical training. They are the best soldiers in the world. I’m not saying that the SPG the elite of the NSW police force are not good but are simply not in the same league as SAS.

A sniper’s bullet could and would have ended the situation and a team could have breached simultaneously and they would have taken into consideration the surrounding like the marble an expected ricochet. The did not need flash bangs as the subject had a shotgun and a clear line of sight would have been far more beneficial. They would have also swapped ammunition to make a ricochet less lethal. Unfortunately, none of this was considered Sydney was on show and wanted to show how good the SPG are and no one with tactical training made that decision which cost innocent lives.


Pain killers are and always have been a life saver. Unfortunately, junkies and the media have given drugs like oxycontin a bad name. Heroin addicts have used the drug only out of poor heroin quality or unavailability. So, anyone in severe pain that takes or needs to take strong pain killers like oxycontin has a stigma attached to them and finds it that difficult to get the drugs they are starting to kill themselves because of the pain. The TGA is scaring doctors into not writing the drugs leaving thousands of people to live in agony or commit suicide. You wouldn’t take a hammer or drill out of a builder’s tool bag so why are uneducated and medically untrained people making these decisions.


CBD oil is proven to be effective with several condition but even though the drug doesn’t cause any euphoria as the thc is removed its illegal because of the stigma attached to it. Not only is weed heavily available and cheap cbd is gard to get and extremely expensive. So, you would only take it for pain as that’s all it is good for. Once again bureaucrats are stopping progressive medication that save lives.


Vaping is shown to reduce smoking in 100 percent of cases where a person is shown how to correctly and doesn’t cause any harm to the human body. Cigarettes are known to cause a variety of diseases and if you smoke you will die. Vaping is more heavily regulated than cigarettes despite not being addictive or harmful. The evidence supports the fact that vaping is not harmful to the human body even when nicotine is used. The regulations are set up so that vaping with eventually cause a death because to add any nicotine to the juice you need to order it online in 100% concentrate which could kill rather than letting bottles in Australia with nicotine pre-added in certain strengths.


Important decisions like these needs to b made by qualified intelligent educated people not paper pushing bureaucrats. We as a country are governed by the mistakes of the stupid and not on the merit of the individual. All the nightclubs in Sydney were shut down because one idiot killed a young man with a coward unch the 99.9% suffered because of the actions of one. That is the way our country works now. Its costing freedom its costing deaths and its costing money and intelligence.


Watch a dying person suffer in the last hours of there life because doctors are too afraid to administer morphine in amounts to comfort the patient. You can see the agony and horror on their face. We have intelligent experts for a reason and they are being punished not utilized.


How can this be left to go on, its like science has been abolished and tv ratings have taken over. No one is prepared to find out the truth for themselves. We all seem to believe anything on tv.

Iraq wasn’t a war for oil it was for freedom. The US dollar is fine they will pay the interest back.

If you investigated the numbers, the us military were paid to invade Iraq and guaranteed oil prices.

The US dollar is already doomed the GDP will never be able to pay the interest and will crash, not if but when. The us federal reserve is not owned by the US it’s a private bank set up in a secret meeting in 1917 on?? island by the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and who conned President Woodrow Wilson and made trillions doing so. Only 10% of Americans know this and 1 in 1000000 know the full story. 98 percent of Americans think currency and money are the same thing.


n November 1910, six men –?Nelson Aldrich,?A. Piatt Andrew,?Henry Davison,?Arthur Shelton,?Frank Vanderlipand?Paul Warburg?– met at the Jekyll Island Club, off the coast of Georgia, to write a plan to reform the nation’s banking system. The meeting and its purpose were closely guarded secrets, and participants did not admit that the meeting occurred until the 1930s. But the plan written on Jekyll Island laid a foundation for what would eventually be the Federal Reserve System.


By the fall of 1910, Aldrich was persuaded of the necessity of a central bank for the United States. With Congress ready to begin meeting in just a few weeks, Aldrich -- most likely at Davison’s suggestion -- decided to convene a small group to help him synthesise all he had learned and write down a proposal to establish a central bank.

The group included Aldrich; his private secretary Arthur Shelton; Davison; Andrew (who by 1910 had been appointed assistant Treasury secretary); Frank Vanderlip, president of National City Bank and a former Treasury official; and Warburg.

A member of the exclusive Jekyll Island Club, most likely J.P. Morgan, arranged for the group to use the club’s facilities. Founded in 1886, the club’s membership boasted elites such as Morgan, Marshall Field, and William Kissam Vanderbilt I, whose mansion-sized “cottages” dotted the island.?Munsey’s Magazine?described it in 1904 as “the richest, the most exclusive, the most inaccessible” club in the world.

Aldrich and Davison chose the attendees for their expertise, but Aldrich knew their ties to Wall Street could arouse suspicion about their motives and threaten the bill’s political passage. So, he went to great lengths to keep the meeting secret, adopting the ruse of a duck hunting trip and instructing the men to come one at a time to a train terminal in New Jersey, where they could board his private train car. Once aboard, the men used only first names – Nelson, Harry, Frank, Paul, Piatt, and Arthur – to prevent the staff from learning their identities. For decades after, the group referred to themselves as the “First Name Club.”

An additional member of the First Name Club was?Benjamin Strong, vice president of the Bankers Trust Company and the future founding chief executive officer (then called governor, now called president) of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. But it is unlikely Strong attended the meeting on Jekyll Island. In his autobiography, Vanderlip recalls him attending, but no other account indicates Strong’s presence. Most scholars and journalists who have written about the issue, including Bertie Charles (B.C.) Forbes -- the founder of?Forbes?magazine and the journalist who first revealed the meetings in an article in 1916 -- have concluded Strong did not attend (Forbes 1916). Strong had worked closely with the Jekyll Island attendees in other venues, however, and his ideas were certainly present at the meeting even if he was not there in person. After the meeting, as the First Name Club revised the plan and prepared it for publication, Strong was frequently consulted and according to Forbes, “joined the ‘First-Name Club’ as ‘Ben’” (Forbes 1922).



BRICS countries Brazil Russia India China and south Africa will prosper as they no longer use the US dollar as currency because they know its already failed but Australians still support it as we are an ally, so we will sink with the states.



Trent j Middleton


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