How to build your personal brand on social media in 2019?

How to build your personal brand on social media in 2019?

Are you looking to build your presence on social media? If you already know about what your brand is all about and how it can help people or business, it is surely a time to make it more successful on a platform where most of the people are present i.e. definitely on social media. Here are some tips which will help you build your personal brand on social media.

1000 true fan theory

Thousand fan theory means instead of planning to get 100,000 followers, you aim for just 1000 true fans that absolutely love your work. These are the people that are first in one whenever you launch something.

These people love you so much that they even drive all the way to meet and greet just to see you. Your real fans will be the first to buy your merge because they love your work and believe in your mission.

The purpose of this theory is preferring quality over quantity. The mistake so many people made is that they want celebrity status and a huge number of followers and subscribers. Even some people are willing to buy fake followers and fake engagements.

In reality, it doesn’t matter what are the value metrics if those are not actually fans of your work. If you really want to think like a business owner, it is better to focus on direct communication and relationship with only 1000 fans in your community.

These 1000 people are the one who shows up whenever you launch something new. They are first in line because they love your mission. As you are going to create a real business, it is necessary to create real fans instead of fake followers that give no worth to your business. 

Know your audience

It is necessary to know your audience very well as you must know whom you are helping. When you don’t know whom you are helping, then how will you be able to help them? You need to know at what stage your audiences are in the start and where they will be after finding you on Facebook or Instagram.

You can better understand it if you imagine your customers journey from point A to point B. At point A the audience can be any person who is seeking help from your work. After taking help from your brand, that person reached point B that is the success point.

You have to keep in mind your audience and their needs from very close so that you can easily help them. In this way, they will love your work as it would be exactly what they wanted.

Clear communication

Another important aspect of a successful personal brand on social media is clear communication. You need to communicate your audience in the best way possible. Can you actually communicate what you help people with?

Let’s suppose you are at a party and someone ask you what do you do? What you will say? Do you need to tell clearly whom do you help? How do you help them and results do they get actually from using your content?

3 × 3 method

For your successful personal brand on social media, you need to choose three pillars and three values that are the core of your brand. Let’s take an example of an online business creating content for building a successful personal brand on social media.

The three pillars of such business can be an entrepreneur, social media and personal branding. These are the three main things on which the whole business is creating content. These are the main three pillars on which you are using to educate the audience by creating attractive content.

After three pillars decide what are the three things within your personal brand that you value and that bring value to your personal brand. It can be three things that really differentiate you from other competitors. It can be generosity, transparency and high energy. 

Relationship marketing

Relationship marketing focuses on making the most of the current customers rather than putting all of the efforts to promote new business.

It is a long term approach that targets to build brand reliability, resilient customer relationship and enhance regular business from your already existing clients.

Relationship marketing will completely change the way you operate your business. When you put all your energy, devotion, attention and love to your existing customers you actually have the potential to promote brand ambassadors.

The brand ambassadors are the people that truly value your business that they will promote your work free of cost. They are the people sharing your work on Facebook and Instagram. They also refer your content to their friends because they love your work. 

If you really put efforts on building a strong relationship with your current customers, you will have no need to go door to door searching for new people to join your community. Your already existing community will do it for you.

What you have to do is just treat your community with respect, integrity and lots of love. They will surely return it in the best way possible.

Create a tribe

If you have an audience now and you know that they like your work, but what are you actually doing for them in order to make them feel exclusive and supported?

You should make a small community like a family on social media just like a private group on Facebook and invite your audience to join it to make them feel more supported from you and support from each other.

When you create communities like this, you are actually creating a family of people that believe in your work and that wants to help you and help each other. Therefore, if you already have customers you should definitely think about what you are going to take this relationship to a new level.

You can make them feel like more VIP and also ensure that you have all your audience at one place instead of spread all over the internet. Even if you have less than 1000 followers, you should put people in a Facebook group or any other platform where people can know each other and actually create a real community.

You have no need to chase big numbers and value metrics. Instead, you actually need to care about delivering real value and show your personality on social media so that you can make a positive impact in the world. I hope you will get benefits from this article to build your personal brand on social media.

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Rajul Raghuvanshi is a social media marketing consultant whose primary focus is to help entrepreneurs and business owners implement social media strategies to dramatically increase their social and monetary ROI. Connect with Rajul on Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook.


