How to build your Own Sales Philosophy
Transformational Trainer/ Management Consultant/ Researcher
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Do you want to build a very successful sales career? Do you want to feel happy through your sales process? The secret is your Sales Philosophy. Today I am going to share with you a 3-step method, so you can build a powerful sales philosophy for yourself.
I know you may ask me now, why do I need to have a philosophy in selling? Your sales philosophy reflects, how you think about, feel about, and the practices you follow in your sales life. In simple terms, the guiding principle for your whole sales career is your sales philosophy. In other words, your long-term success in selling totally depends on your sales philosophy.
Follow these 3 steps
Step #1 - Write down your Core Values
Values give you guidance in life. They will direct you to the right destination. Just like river banks direct the water to the sea. You have to stand for these values, always. You’re not going to change them at any cost. When you protect your values, values will protect you. If you carefully analyze you may be already having the values within you. Your values may have arisen from your religion, parents, relations, or even close friends. For example; helping others, giving the best, being honest to yourself, building genuine relationships, offering more value are some of them. Like these write down 4 to 5 values in step #1
Step #2 - Write a Sales Philosophy
Based on the core values you’ve already written down; you can build the sales philosophy of either one of these methods.
The first method – you can write it as a 'Declaration'. Then it starts as ‘I will’. When you build your sales philosophy through I will, it gives a confirmation or a promise to yourself. You understand what I say. As per the above core values, I can build a sales philosophy this way.
“I will always offer the best to my clients and help them to achieve their objectives. I’ll be honest with myself in dealing with my prospects and clients. I will always build genuine relationships with my prospects and clients.”
The second method – you can write it as a ‘Credo Statement’. That means you are having a Belief. Then your sales philosophy would be like this.
“I believe my clients deserve the best and they should be treated with honesty and integrity. I believe long term and genuine relationships can be built through helping my clients and prospects’
You can follow either one of the above methods which suit you. Which touches your heart.
Step #3 - Let your sales philosophy guides you
Once you build a sales philosophy, let it guides you for the rest of your sales career. Don’t make any decisions bypassing it at any cost. In my sales career, I have given even the resignation when my sales philosophy is not aligned with the senior management. When I looked back, that’s one of the best decisions I have ever made!
When you align with your sales philosophy and when you sell aligning with it, you have happiness even you win or lose a sale. Because you have done the right thing to align with your conscience. And I promise you, even you face short-term drawbacks or temporary failures, you will get enormous positive results in the long term. That’s the law of karma or law of attraction, whatever you name it. I believe you got the idea.
Good luck