How To Build Your Own Image Generator Using ChatGPT

How To Build Your Own Image Generator Using ChatGPT

Building an AI Image Generator: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hi friends! In this article, we will delve into creating an AI image generator using Huggingface, ChatGPT, and Blogger. Let's break down the purpose of each tool:

  • Huggingface: Free API for AI models.
  • ChatGPT: Code generation for instructions.
  • Blogger: Free hosting for the image generator.

Let's get started with the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Setting Up Huggingface

  1. Create an account on Huggingface and log in.
  2. Navigate to your dashboard, click on the profile icon, and access settings.
  3. Click on "Access Token," then "New token," select "write," give it a name, and generate the token.

Step 2: Selecting an AI Model

  1. Click on the "Model" tab in Huggingface and choose "Text to Image."
  2. Select an appropriate model (e.g., Stable Diffusion XL).
  3. Click on "Deploy," choose "Inference API Serverless," and then go to the "Javascript" tab to copy the provided code.

Step 3: Using ChatGPT for Code Generation

  1. Write instructions for building the image generator in ChatGPT (refer to the provided link for guidance).
  2. After finishing, paste the copied Javascript code from Huggingface into ChatGPT and submit.
  3. ChatGPT will generate full HTML code based on your instructions. Copy this code.

Step 4: Implementing Code in Blogger

  1. Log in to your Blogger account and navigate to the theme section.
  2. Access "Edit HTML," clear the existing code, and paste the generated code from ChatGPT.
  3. Customize the design by following any additional instructions from ChatGPT for design improvement.

Step 5: Integrating Huggingface Token and Testing

  1. Go back to Huggingface, copy the access token generated earlier.
  2. Paste the token into the designated area in your Blogger HTML code.
  3. Save the changes and visit your blog.
  4. Test the image generator by inputting text and clicking the generate button.

Try This Image Generator That I Have Made Using ChatGPT - VISIT HERE

By following these steps, you can create your own AI image generator for free. This project serves as an excellent starting point for enhancing your skills in Artificial Intelligence. If you need my this ChatGPT's Chat Link then you find it here with the prompt and instruction I have used to build this tool DIRECT LINK TO CHATGPT.

If you have any questions or need further clarification, feel free to leave a comment. Happy coding and exploring AI!


