How to Build your Credit Score

How to Build your Credit Score

A good credit score is the first step to financial independence. Whether you are a working professional or a businessman or a student, there are multiple steps you can undertake to assure a good credit score for a safer and more secure financial future.

Here are a few of the simple steps that anyone can undertake:

  1. Pay Bills on time
  2. Restrict usage of funds by planning a soft target limit
  3. Plan for major purchases
  4. Never co-sign for people who may not be financially independent themselves
  5. Close your accounts with care and consideration
  6. If you have debt, consolidate and repay it with urgency
  7. Start as early as possible and keep a tab of all your expenses

A credit score-building exercise will never be an overnight success or failure. It has its fair share of trials and tribulations, requiring constant overwatch.?

But the long-term benefits outweigh the amount of effort required to implement these few small steps in building your credit.

A good credit score will not only help you with loans and expenses in the future but also help you be responsible and stress-free.



