How to Build Your Brand in 4 Easy Steps (in 7 Days or Less)
Nenad Milcanovic
We guarantee to transform your brand into a brand empire. | CEO & Founder at Brandesigner
A Top Brand Designer's Secret "DDDD System" for Brand-Building You Should Know Before You Start Creating Your Brand
Someone asked me:
"How to build brand identity?"
My answer: Brand identity is NOT something you build. Brand is.
Brand identity is something that already is there. It reflects founder’s personal values… or the values of your ideal customer… or both - the most important thing.
My perspective is psychological. I learned from numerous sources that values are something that's already inside a people (we create brands for people). You can’t create your values. You can only uncover them from your unconscious. Let me explain.
Some values are known to us. Some are hidden from us in our unconscious. Our job is to iluminate them.
So, let’s re-formulate previous question…
You may ask:
“How to build a brand?”
You can use my ultimate "DDDD system" for business brand-building:
Don't forget to iterate.
This is the easy way to build a brand. Good luck!