How to Build a Winning Culture - Create More Leaders
Leaders communicate and live the Vision and Culture. Great leaders are evangelists for their company. Creating other great leaders should be a "calling".
Leaders establish trust with candor, transparency, and credit. Leaders establish trust by giving credit where it is due.
Leaders have the courage to make unpopular decisions and gut calls. Decision-making is ultimately what you'll be judged on as a leader, as your choices could determine the overall success of your team and the organization.
Leaders inspire risk-taking and learning by setting the example. Winning companies embrace their limits without being afraid of making mistakes.
And most importantly, Leaders celebrate! Make a big deal out of small wins because celebrating makes people feel like winners and creates an atmosphere of recognition and positive energy.
"The most powerful activity of a leader is to describe the future" - Marcus Buckingham
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Excerpt from the book SMART Moves Management by John Thedford, available online at or through local booksellers.