How to Build Unbreakable Self-Discipline
Self-discipline is an incredibly useful skill that keeps you motivated, clearheaded and focussed on your objective. Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you can do, you should do whether you feel like it or not. Nothing great is really achieved without it. Luckily, self-discipline is a skill that can be learnt and cultivated with continuous practice. Until it becomes automatic, just like any other skill. If you keep showing up you will be amazed at what you can accomplish in a week, a month or a year.
Note: This post is heavily inspired by Brian Tracy's work. I recommend reading his bestseller book Eat That Frog.
Goal-Setting and Clarity
Your problem is to bridge the gap between where you are now and the goals you intend to reach. You need goals for your health, your career, your finances, your relationships, your personal and professional development and your community and spiritual growth.
Clarity is the most important single quality of goal-setting and perhaps the most important single quality of success. Instead of fuzzy goals like more money, better health and happiness be specific about exactly how much money you want to earn in a specific period of time or what level of health, fitness or weight that you desire. The more comprehensive your list, the more motivated you will become, the more intense will be your desire, the more you will believe it is possible. The 80/20 rule says the first 20% of time you spend planning and organizing your plan will be worth 80% of the time and effort required to achieve your goal. Use this rule to organize your list by priority, sequence and deadlines. If it's a large goal set sub-deadlines. There are no unreaonsable goals, only unreasonable deadlines. What if you don't achieve your goal by the deadline? Set another deadline! You must have a target time before you set off.
The Enemy of Productivity: Procrastination
What is one critical task that you've been putting off? And what will you do today to start working on it? Tons of time management hacks and strategies have been developed over the years to help you get more done in less time. We look at the one formulated by success expert, author and speaker, Brian Tracy.
Plan each day in advance. Take time each morning to address your major goals and then write out a list of things you need to do that day in order to get closer to those goals. Set priorities on each item so that you don't skip your most important tasks. Then, get to it! Come fully prepared for each task you work on. This way you won't have to get up and move until the task is done. Break down the task in its constituent parts, each taking an identifiable amount of time to complete, before you begin. This will define a good starting point. Focus on the difficult and daunting tasks first. Take one small step to get started. When you select a small piece of the task and then discpline yourself to do it it will often give you the momentum you need to counter inertia and stop procrastinating. Use rewards to look forward to. Build a routine around your goals. Take action and take action now!
What will you use your newfound self-discipline to achieve this year? The most successful people maintain aim and purpose.
While it may seem like a superhuman feat successful men and women have simply capitalized on their self-discipline by remembering their "Why", the underlying reasons why they are working so tirelessly toward their goal. If you want to build self-discipline you need a powerful reason why. For instance, helping others might be a lifelong motivator that you're looking for. Every now and then ask yourself: "What will my life look like after I complete this goal?". When you remember why you are working so hard it becomes much easier to stay focussed. Visualize yourself as a success. Reflect on the impact you hope to make. Imagine what it will feel like to be victorious. Strive for the life you've always wanted.
Keep your Mind Healthy
Your mind will make you rich or poor depending on the usage you put to it. Maintaining a healthy mind is essential for improving your productivity, strengthening your personal and professional relationships and realizing your best self. Most people fail to devote any time to actively seeking out ways to improve their mental fitness. What are you doing today to keep your brain healthy and active?
Building your brain and keeping your mind healthy is critical but it doesn't have to be complicated. Just follow these steps below:
- Read as much positive and inspirational material as you can. Your brain craves new ideas and stimulation and reading is one of the best ways to explore them.
- Exercise. Exercise helps to reduce stress along with boosting positivity, aiding self-esteem and even improving cognitive thinking. All it takes is 30 min of exercise a couple of times a week to start to see results!
- Practice positive affirmations. Research has shown that through this simple act of making positive statements about yourself to yourself you can reprogram your brain to overcome unhealthy habits and control harmful emotions. The most powerful affirmation is "I like myself". The more you like yourself the more you like the people around you the more you like your work the more you like your activities and the more open-minded and optimistic you are.
- Create easy good habits that you genuinely enjoy doing and that are there to catch you in case of failure
- Find your weaknesses to avoid getting distracted, falling into traps and maintaining control.
- Forgive yourself - give yourself a second chance to succeed
- Eat healthy foods. Many people experience positive mental health when they eliminate saturated fats and sugar from their diet.