How to build a tech team for your startup
Engtal’s specialist recruiter Cole Kaltman looks at building a successful tech team to grow your business.
Research says that 23% of tech startups fail because they don’t have the right team in place. When you’ve put all that work into getting your idea off the ground and getting that funding, you want to make sure you’ve got the right team to help you scale your business.
Analyze your current skillset
The first step in hiring a productive tech team is to look at the talent you already have. Think about what you are good at, what you are missing, and what skills you need to achieve your goals. If you don’t know the exact tech skills, it is worth considering a technical lead who can help specify exactly what is needed at the hiring stage and manage the team once they are in place.
Identify your key positions.
The skills audit should have helped you to identify which positions you need. It can be challenging to determine whether to hire someone who can cover many bases or a specialist in one area. Generalists benefit small startups as they can cover many areas without needing multiple dedicated staff members. However, if your product or service is highly specialized or works with a niche technology, you will need specialists. You need to assess what your business needs but a good idea is to keep a balance where you can.
Build your team for the long term
It’s easy to look at what you need right now, but you also need to have a vision about where you are going. Map out your whole organizational structure and consider the different departments you might need in the long run. You might not need a team member for every function at the moment, but having a strategic growth plan will help your decision-making and make your team scalable.
Think about culture as well as skill sets
Culture comes from people. Your initial team will be the heart and soul of the company from the beginning, so they must be bringing the correct values to the table. You may have a strong idea of what you want your company culture to look like, but also remember that culture grows organically. Your company’s culture will develop as you build out your team. This means it’s also essential to be open-minded and bring in people with diverse backgrounds, approaches, and ways of thinking rather than one homogenous ‘fit’.
Think about an upskilling strategy
It might seem premature, but it’s good to have a long-term approach to staff development in mind.
It can be tempting to hire the most experienced person, but that isn’t always possible in a competitive market. You might also find a candidate who is a great cultural fit and buys into your vision but perhaps needs a bit of training in a specific area. Having a plan for upskilling can help you make those recruitment decisions and also looks great for prospective candidates who want to learn and develop.
If you need support to build out your tech team, Engtal’s specialist recruiters can help find candidates that fit your requirements. Get in touch today to see how we can support you.