How to build a recession-proof consulting business
Are you an aspiring consultant looking to build a business that will not only survive but thrive no matter the economic conditions? You’ve come to the right place! In this blog post, we’re going to discuss how to develop a recession-proof consulting business so you can feel confident in your success. Oftentimes when things are uncertain and turbulent, planning for resilience is vital for businesses like yours. We will explore the key steps and strategies needed to create such stability so you can find creative solutions even during times of uncertainty. By implementing these tactics proactively now, you'll have peace of mind knowing that your consulting practice can continue running smoothly regardless of market fluctuations.
Is consulting recession-proof?
During times of economic recession, business consulting takes on an even more important role as business owners may struggle to meet their revenue and financial goals. Consulting can often be recession-proof, as business owners may feel overwhelmed while they are attempting to navigate the ever-changing business landscape. With a business consultant who is able to explain the strategies business owners can take in order to ride out a recessionary period, business owners can make sure that their business remains safe and successful even during difficult economic times.
As a consultant, this economic downturn could be the great opportunity you’ve been waiting for. If you are offering services that focus on return on investment (ROI), your services will be in high demand as business owners look to make every dollar count. Successful consulting strategies during economic downturns center around finding solutions that increase revenue, profit, or reduce costs and time to market. Put simply, if your services help business owners save money or get more money then they will likely hire you over others. So if you have measurable results that businesses care deeply about consistently providing, now is the time to start marketing your consulting services!
In a recession, reconsider your consulting contract length terms.
When business consulting in a recession, it is important to remain flexible and confident in the services you are providing. As the creator of my business, I understand that customizing experiences for my clients can work wonders! My business model starts off with 90-day retainers and was designed for both long term and project to project business opportunities. Not only do I remain flexible in my services, but I am also extremely confident in the value I will have provided should each retainer decide to renew- something clients have done consistently since I began operating five years ago!
Business consulting during times of economic recession can be challenging, especially having the confidence to know what brings renewal and creating the value that will convince your clients to renew. However, flexibility is an important tool needed in business consulting during recessions, as it allows us to focus on designing a plan that works for both our clients and ourselves. Our job as business consultants is to truly understand and take into consideration our collective needs so that we can ensure successful business offerings during uncertain times.
Offer ROI-based consulting when facing a recession.
When helping my clients to optimize their ROI, my main focus is on generating measurable outcomes and results. To keep our focus in the right direction, I often say that ROI optimization consulting is a matter of exchanging an income or fee for the positive changes in outcomes that are achieved by the end of our work together. This focus on maximizing outcomes helps us all to make sure that we're getting real value for money as well as a sense of real satisfaction and excitement from seeing successes together.
As a consultant, it's important to convey value to your clients not just in terms of what they'll get out of the retainer agreement but also how you are best equipped to provide them with a sound return on investment. For many businesses, managing metrics can be a time-consuming task, so it pays off to hire on an extra team member if needed. Offering ROI-based fees for your consulting services helps add clarity to the project by ensuring your client understands exactly why they are investing and the tangible result they can expect in the end.
During times of economic uncertainty, become a business growth strategy consultant.
As business growth strategy consultants, specializing in revenue growth can be an invaluable skill to develop - especially in times of economic uncertainty. It's important to focus on profit and/or revenue growth initiatives that have tangible outcomes as these are often much easier to sell than intangibles. Therefore, training yourself to specialize in business strategy should give you a leg up when a business navigates through unsettled markets. Having specialized knowledge specifically in growth strategy will make you more valuable to clients and may open doors to new business.
As a human resource consulting, technology consulting, or general leadership consultant, you have a tremendous professional toolkit. One of the greatest accomplishments of your career may very well be to focus on trends that can increase profitability and revenue growth. As an expert in your industry, you have an awesome opportunity to use your technical understanding and cutting-edge knowledge of business to help build and bolster business growth.
Business growth is the secret weapon for creating change and can be your foot in the door for other types of consulting services. The process of growing revenue and realizing profitable growth often sounds quite daunting if you're new to this idea, yet it doesn't have to be. With growth strategy consulting, you can help clients craft a growth plan tailored specifically to their values, long-term goals and organizational culture.
Creating a business growth consultancy.
As the CEO of a growth consultancy and a mentor to consultants, it's my mission to support both consultants and CEO's when the economy is facing uncertainty. As a consultant, you can be the difference between failure or success for your business during this time - all you need to do is take proactive steps now. I'm here to encourage you to implement three practical tips within your business. By taking action on these three tips, you'll grow your business and put yourself in the best position possible. With concerted effort now, you not only make it through this uncertain period, but come out flourishing.
With business growth in a state of flux due to economic uncertainty and the potential for a bear market, it can be daunting to try and generate business as a consultant. Many business owners are presented with tough decisions to make regarding their budget, which unfortunately may mean the first cut is overhead. As a business growth consultant, it is key to emphasize how you offer advice and strategies tailored specifically to the business using a proven methodology, rather than recommendations from blanket models. By offering services that have tailored outcomes with long-lasting effects--even under economic stress--business owners will be more likely to hire your business growth consultancy over other short-term fix options.
If you're interested in learning more about becoming a consultant, check out my free masterclass taking place on Tuesday, February 7th on how to turn your expertise into an in-demand consulting business. Sign up today at