How to Build Real Relationships at Work: Ice Breakers

How to Build Real Relationships at Work: Ice Breakers

Joining a new company and building professional relationships can be quite overwhelming... But, some people say that relationship building in a hybrid environment is much easier than it seems at first. And Indr? Kontaut? , being one of them, gives away a few practical steps on how to blend into the company fast&easy.

Step #1: Break the ice by breaking the silence?

  • Work in an office with a “hot desking”? Pick a place near high-traffic areas such as entrances, meeting rooms, kitchens…
  • Invited to a meeting, or event? Show up a minute early, start a talk with a stranger: “Hi, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m _______. Nice to meet you!”
  • Just finished a meeting? Overcome the urge to dash out. Instead, approach someone and drop an “I’m _______,” followed by a “loved your comment about _______.”
  • Traveling to work? Invite someone to share a ride and use the carpool time to spark a conversation.
  • Have some lead time before entering the office? Message a colleague you’ve met online: “I’ll be in the office tomorrow. I’d love to put a face to a name if you’re around!”

These aren't just approaches for shy or introverted folks. These are the techniques used by the best connection builders. Before your next meeting, take a quick look around. You'll see, for instance, that while some people are engrossed on their phones, others are forming new relationships. So you can choose which one do you want to be.

Step #2: Turn “Hey” into “Hey again.”

For the first time a new activity is always uncomfortable, the second time is always much easier... Stay tuned for the next step:)

#work #relationships #networking #networkingskills #softeta



