How to Build Real Relationships at Work: Building the connection

How to Build Real Relationships at Work: Building the connection

Following the series on how to build relationships at work, Indr? Kontaut? is sharing the last giveaways on how to shift communication from "Nice to meet you" to "We know each other well enough to help out". Scroll down to see how you can do it??

Step #3: Turn “Hey again” into “Let’s have a chat.”

The majority of people you meet at work will only go as far as being your acquaintances. That’s okay, as we can only maintain so many connections at once and there are only so many hours in a day. However, we have the chance to learn from the mistakes of select few who are several steps ahead of us and are eager to pay it forward. Four methods are provided below for converting allies into mentors:

  • Need a second opinion? Try saying, "I'm working on ______ and would want your take on ______ as you are the expert on _______”.
  • Not sure which direction to go with? Say something like, "I'm trying to ______ and would love your input on _______". Do you have a couple of minutes to talk? ”.
  • Interested in following their career path? Try asking, "I'd love to follow in your footsteps given _______. Do you have a couple of minutes to talk? I'm accessible during the following times.”.
  • Working on a task that overlaps with their interests and/or expertise? Say something like, "I'm looking for advisors to help me determine the direction of ___ . You came to mind right away."

Step #4: Turn “Let’s have a chat” into “Let’s build a relationship.”

You'll meet several people who will serve as "mentors" and advisors. Others will evolve into door-opening "sponsors." This person has the authority to draw you into high-profile projects, bring you into private meetings, and even advocate for your promotion.

Have you ever met a senior who seems to care about you and your career?

  • Share your goals and dreams. For example, “When I think about where I want to be in five years, I would want to follow ____ footsteps. In your opinion, what should I do to achieve this aim?”
  • Share your progress and achievements. For example, “I recently received my performance review. My boss informed me that ___. And according to that I want to ___ next quarter. You don't need to respond; I simply wanted to let you know what's going on and to say thanks for___ ."
  • Don’t forget to share some of your struggles too. For example, "I was thinking about ______ and felt like I could have done ______ better. Do I have the appropriate perspective on this, and if not, what would you change if you were in my shoes? ”

As an HR manager, I spent most of my career path communicating, establishing connections, and building relationships with people. I used to think that hard work and results would speak for themselves and bring people to the heights they desire to reach. However, the more I worked, the more I understood that relationships at work are as important as the work itself.?

Now, if I were to give advice to younger specialists, or people who with all the results still cannot reach the aim, I would definitely advise working on network and communications more.?

Even though not every friendship you start will last, you will at least have another someone to talk to at your next meeting, someone to bounce ideas off, and someone to turn to when you need help.?

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