How to Build PR & Sales Enablers From the Right Research Question

How to Build PR & Sales Enablers From the Right Research Question

The time was right for a new management survey of Japanese affiliated plants operating in the US. The association publisher was looking for projectable data to share with his member readers on a subject that he knew would be of interest.

He had no idea that one question in the survey would bring more positive public relations and sales value for his publication and his association than he imagined in addition to a professional and political roller coaster ride.

His readers could not get enough of any topic that dealt with Japanese manufacturing and especially those facilities located in the US. They continually responded to an editorial on the subject, questioned staff members, purchased educational materials that alluded to the subject, and responded to advertising appeals on featured editions.

Why not create a study that delves into the working relationships between Japanese management and their US employees. In other words explore the human dynamics of the relationships as they build not only cars and trucks but enumerable sub-assemblies, assembly of fabricated metal products, machinery, and electrical and electronic equipment in the US. The opinions of managers about the differences between Japanese and American workers, communications between managers and employees, employee education and training, and the comparison of labor-management relationships would be important outcomes.

The publisher's main hypotheses centered on the question of whether better labor relations still existed in Japanese-owned factories than in the majority of American-owned companies. It had been hard in past editorial and research explorations by his staff to leave interviews with this target without the impression that they were not getting the full story.

After the preliminary results of the survey were delivered and the final report presented it was apparent that many issues had been clarified for publication in the association's magazine. A press release was prepared that delivered salient results of the survey to a national audience. What the publisher did not know was the significant interest that one particular question seemed to generate when the results hit the "wire."

It was hard to know if it was a slow news day or if the results truly reflected a big story. The strong interest was undeniable. Not only did the publisher's office phone receive nonstop calls but his home phone continued to ring the entire weekend. National sources were requesting copies of the market research at a quick pace and seemed to be probing to learn more about one specific area of questioning. The association it seemed had become an instant expert in management relations.

In addition, his association dance had also started. Along with media calls he received several from his association's board members inquiring about the survey. Discussions with the association's executive director and select board members led him to believe that most of the concern was about the normal politics of big egos not being forewarned. This news event was the most intensive press the association had received in a while and several board members were seeking their roles in representing the association to a national news audience rather than letting the most knowledgeable person (publications staff director) associated with the results take the point.

As the news storm slowed the level of inquiries increased in other association SBUs. This was followed by a bounce in membership, seminar enrollment, site traffic, and absolute sales for select areas of educational materials. Eventually, the key findings and summary were made into a document that was available for purchase by members and nonmembers.

But the answer to the one question that seemed to create the most controversial interest in the survey results remained inconclusive -- How were the IQs of the Japanese managers and American workers rated by each other?

D Stuart White


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