How to Build more CONFIDENCE! Follow these 10 steps!

How to Build more CONFIDENCE! Follow these 10 steps!

1.????Positive Self-Talk!

There is enough negativity in the world, so please do not be a part of it! There are enough naysayers telling you what you can’t do, so please do not be one of them! Positive self-talk is imperative. Yes, we are all human, and sometimes negative thoughts can creep up and try to take over our minds. But we are much stronger than that, we can learn to shut them out, redirect and reframe our thoughts to only feed our mind positivity.

2.????Give Yourself Compliments & Celebrate Wins!

Yes! Stop looking for reassurance and affirmation from other and simply give it to yourself! Look in that mirror and say yes, I am fabulous! You need to pat yourself on the back too! We often are hard on ourselves and fail to celebrate our wins! Celebrate your wins no matter how small! It is ok to brag about yourself sometimes, I promise!!

3.????Have your Own Cheerleading Squad!

Ok, well you know what I mean. Have positive people in your corner who are cheering for you and truly happy for your success. People who will be supportive, motivate and elevate you!

If you need to drop some negativity weight, then drop those negative friends! Be very careful of the company you keep! Just saying! Misery loves company! You want to be infected with positivity, light and energy!!

4.????Look your Best so you can Feel Your Best!

There is much research out there that says, when you look good, you feel good! So go out there and show up and show out! Be Bold, Be Authentic and Be you! You do not want to be boring and bland! Even if you don’t have a flashy wardrobe, and it’s not your style, at least have some fun accessories. First impression matter! Smiling helps as well!


5.????Practice Your Craft!

Whatever it is that you do or want to do, practice is key! Repetition is key! Learn as much as you can every day! Read and read some more! Learn from other experts!

6.????Embrace Mistakes and Failure!

Do not be afraid to fail or make mistakes because we all do! Fear will hold you back from accomplishing your dreams! You got this! Keep going, be persistent! Learn from your mistakes and keep it moving. I truly believe every successful person has failed multiple times!

7.?????Take Action!

There are no results without action! Take action, just do it! Whatever it is that you’ve been thinking about it!

8.????Take Risks!!

Yes, whether it’s a small risk or a big risk! Live a little! Get out of your comfort zone. Take on a dare! Go head dance in the street! Sing out loud in a line! Post a video on Linkedln! Whatever it is, have fun with it, (YOLO) you only live once!

9.????Invest in Yourself!

It could be investing in self-care, health, leisure or in your business. It can be investing in a chef, babysitter, or cleaning company to save your valuable time. It could be investing in coach or consultant to save time and perfect your craft.


10.?Know Yourself and What You Stand for!

Knowing your mission, vision, values, and life’s purpose is most important! When you realize this, you will get the self-assurance that you need! You will begin to take your emotions out of the equation because your purpose and impact is much greater than YOU! You will give yourself grace and have self-empathy. You will gain self-awareness and strive for self-improvement to meet your goals to achieve your purpose and the greater good. You still STOP comparing yourself to others because you simply do not have time for foolishness, because you are busy creating impact and transforming! You will realize that you are UNSTOPPABLE!


Your Badass Nurse Career Coach,



Nurse Career Coach | Empowering Nurses to land Specialty Positions, Secure Promotions, Leadership Roles, & Higher Pay in 90 Days |Author & Speaker Featured on The Jennifer Hudson Show

1 年

Thank you Chuck Hazlett for the share



