How to Build a Healthy Morning Routine?
Erin Cooper
Certified Wellness Coach| ?? Specialized in Implementing Chronic Gut Health Concerns with a Natural, Wholistic Approach??
1. A healthy morning routine is essential for making better choices throughout the day. By being "intentional" about your meals, fitness, and spirituality, you decide how to set the "tone" for the day. For instance, my morning routine consists of drinking a "vitamin cocktail" which includes my multi-vitamin, minerals, collagen, and calcium. No alcohol here people, get your mind off of happy hour. But, starting my day loaded with nutrition, reminds me throughout the day that I need to continue with my streak. I always say " Don't break the chain". If you are intent, not to break the chain, then the next meal, and the meal after that, and so forth will also be healthy too!
2. Just last week, my friend posted on social media, that my skin looked, and I quote "amazing". Why? Because I'm gluten-free, and live on a reduced sugar diet. What's so bad about gluten and sugar? Gluten has been linked to various skin conditions such as eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, and chronic hives. *Verywell Health?
It's true, your sweet tooth can contribute to your acne breakouts. Simply put, your sugary delights cause your body's insulin levels to spike, increasing oil production in the skin, which leads to clogged pores. This creates the ideal environment for acne bacteria to grow. So what should you do? Avoid indulging regularly in foods, high in sugar, and go gluten-free!
3. I love working out in the morning, but for us nine to fivers' that's not always a practical way to achieving your fitness goal for the day. My best fitness routine is a home workout. Each morning is a different focus. For instance, Mondays are cardio days. Cardio days are great because I get to turn on my TV and search for my favorite workout video. Did anyone say "Tae Bo"? You guessed it! It's a great way to get my cardio in and test my endurance. So, make each day a different focus, get out of the bed and kick some a*s!
4. My favorite collagen protein shake recipe is 1) take plain collagen ( nothing is worst than taking flavored collagen and mixing it with other flavored ingredients, yuck) and scoop it into your blender. 2) add 1 whole banana 3) 1 cup of almond milk 4) 1?handful of blueberries 5) ice. If you are feeling really kinky, add 1-2 scoops of chia seeds 6) Blend and Enjoy!
5. The best tips for building a healthy morning routine, that you actually will do, day after day, would be:
a) Make it easy- don't try to climb Mount Everest on your first day back in the gym, tread lightly.
b) Make it fun! If you enjoy the routine you are more likely to continue doing it. If you dread just thinking about it, you will come up with every excuse, NOT, to do it. This may include engaging friends to make it more fun.
c) Evaluate your environment. Your surroundings are everything. Why? You are a product of your environment, like or not. Set yourself up for success, by removing those delicious doughnuts, and my favorite "Chez it's" from your pantry. They will only tempt you and make your resolve to get healthy harder. Make sure your yoga mat is easily accessible. If you have to go into storage every day to get it, what are the chances you will be able to fight the urge to say "let's skip this sess"? Filling your environment with healthy food and reminders to "keep your body moving" will be triggers for you to remember to stick to the promise you made to yourself.?