How To Build And Grow Your List As A Broker In 2024
“Read this article to find out how you can build and grow your list of sellers for FREE in 2024.”

How To Build And Grow Your List As A Broker In 2024

Introducing This Sunday’s Special Newsletter

“Is it really possible to sell more than I could ever imagine?”

That is a question I ask myself sometimes. I see people on the internet who have figured it out and it is clearly working for them. I read their book or take one of their classes and their strategy helps but I still feel like I’m missing something.

For the longest time as an entrepreneur I felt was struggling in business and I couldn’t figure out why. I could close. I could set appointments. I could set up my tech systems and I could even do small bookkeeping.

“Is it really possible for people like me to build a business that can grow without them?”

I believed it was possible because I wanted to. I knew that if other people could do it then I could too. I think that all the sales courses and business management courses work but they miss the most important part.

The part I wish I had focused on right away.

The biggest constraint in most businesses.

That is the lead generation process.

Let me explain quick.

If you’re an agent, you have probably read some book in your life telling you how to sell. If I gave you 100 phone calls, I am pretty sure you could find one new listing. Right? So the issue clearly isn’t your ability to call or scripting. If it is then we can talk about that later.

If you sold something, whether it be a house or a wholesale contract, I am pretty sure you would know what to do to fulfill that order right? I can’t figure you wouldn’t. So the issue isn’t customer fulfillment or operations is it? I have a feeling it is not.

We spend 12+ years in school learning a variety of things like math and science. Reading and history. You might have spent hours studying to become a broker. We might have read all the sales books in the world and could close any deal possible if given the chance. Yet I feel that our biggest issue as real estate entrepreneurs, in my personal opinion, is our ability to build lists of property owners.

Let me explain. I feel like our biggest issue as real estate entrepreneurs is our ability to build lists because without lists, who can you call? Our biggest issue as real estate entrepreneurs is not just the ability to build lists…. but the ability to build lists of real estate property owners who will actually be motivated to sell.

That is what this Sunday’s newsletter aims to accomplish. In this newsletter I aim to take a dive at supplying with you a bunch of free ways to get real estate leads.

Keep on reading to get your free content.


Emin Okic

How To Find Single Family Fix And Flips In Los Angeles

If all it took was owning some land in the sunshine state to be happy… would you do it? I set a goal to get my second investment by December 31st, 2025… I decided to go a different route than I had planned.

I love Chicago. Chicago is one of those cities that I never really pictured leaving. From the beautiful gothic architecture to the classic greystones. Chicago is a wonderful place to be a real estate investor.

In this article I aim to share with you how to find deals off the market in California… specifically Los Angeles because this is exactly what I am doing to get my next investment there.

Figure This One Thing Out First

Figure out where you are going to make your next purchase. This will really determine what is possible and in your budget.

For me I spent some time looking at places to live in California. I hate living with a car so for me I need to be able to walk to the ocean.

I also do not want to spend a bunch of money so I can’t afford to get a deal in LA in the next year. I have been looking at places like Encino as a result. I picked Encino for a few reasons.

  1. You can still get to LA — Santa Monica — and all the other cool things in under 30 minutes
  2. You live next to a bunch of parks that people can walk around
  3. The home value is probably one of the best so far without having to leave Encino

These are the same reasons I think it is a great rental too which makes me feel great about moving there.

The First Thing I Am Doing To Get Deals

I want a place in Encino. More specifically, I want a 2 bed 2 bath condo in Encino that is between 600-1500 square feet. I wouldn’t be opposed to doing some work but with condos that is hard to see right away.

This time I am doing things differently. More strategically. I am going to pick 100 of my favorite 2 bed 2 bath condos that got sold in Encino over the last 20 years. Along the way I will collect the property owners of each one. I might even get their contact info if it is a serious deal and things line up.

I will pick this list of 100 and start there for my foundation. In my first campaign, I will try mailing 100 2 bed 2 bath condo owners in Encino and seeing what I might get back as a response rate.

My point is I am starting a list. If you needed to do just one thing to succeed as an investor or real estate entrepreneur, I would say it couldn’t hurt to build a list. The bigger my list gets, the more inspiration I get and the more likely I am to get a deal I like.

You can also apply this to the commercial side too. When you decide you are ready for your next acquisition, build a list of 100 commercial properties in your area that got sold in the last 20 years.

Not only will you have a database of property owners you can start to prospect to, but you will have a database of properties to refer to as you create new deals in the market. List building seriously is like a cheat code for real estate.

Introducing The Moment I Got Into The Direct Mailing List World

“Direct mailing changed my life. Hopefully this one thing can help you as a broker.”

June 2019

It was June 2019. I was working as a leasing agent for one of the student housing places for my school.

One thing I loved was that we were systematic.

You opened up a computer, had a list of things to do, and did it. If you could do just that… then you were in the green.

One of those activities that we did every… single…. day was mailing postcards.

I still remember my first time being introduced to direct mailing. It was mid June in 2019. I was in a large 20+ floor skyscraper apartment building in the heart of Ames, Iowa. Home of Iowa State University. A rowdy crowd of people.

To the left of our building was one of the multi purpose buildings we owned. On the first floor was “Es Tas” — personally one of my favorite local bars to go to. Something was always happening there.

On the right was an AJs bar and patio… in fact it was one of the biggest bars in all of Ames. That place was always -asked day and night. The owner was one of the most relatable people in all of Ames. He could have easily lead a class or two at Iowa State in customer service because no matter how many new generations of college students have been coming to Iowa state since 1980 and beyond…. that guy was always building new connections and selling more product.

If you walked into our office through the front door, you would see a big office with hardwood flooring and your standard white / off-white shades on the wall. We had two front desks to the left of the front door. All the way on the left we had our marketing office. All the way on the right, we had our leasing office. Then square in the center was our front desks.

That was where I was. Right in the heart of battle. Boots on the ground and all.

I was in charge of leasing our 20+ apartment buildings. This included a bunch of random things but like I said earlier, we did a few things consistently. One of those things were mailing.

Every morning and every evening, I would walk in and do the same thing every time. At first I never thought mailing would work. Personally, I just liked writing postcards more than I liked cold calling at the time so that was my excuse to avoid ringing the phone. I didn’t think much of it.

Then it hit.

That July of 2019 was something different. People were calling by phone and emailing us by email. This time was different though.

They were calling for me on the phone. They were emailing for me by email. I asked each one how they knew to ask for me and they all had one common reply.

“Oh we just saw the promo in your postcard and figured I’d reply” each person would say.

That was the day I learned how powerful sending out postcards could be. My whole world changed so much that day. So much so that I still send postcards out to this day just for fun because I know how much value it can deliver to someone.

Direct mailing changed my life. That day and it still continues to change my life today.

The 2 Biggest Reasons Every Real Estate Entrepreneur Needs A List

“Lists can help you get more listings… read this article to find out two ways how.”

Reason #1 — Finding Great Deals Is More Like A Mystery Hunt And Lists Are Like The Map

I have always felt like finding great real estate deals commercial and residential has always been more like a mystery hunt. Truthfully, it doesn’t matter how many “qualifications” you have on the property owner before you even call once. Part of it is volume and another part of creating deals is opportunity timing.

You see I didn’t say find, I said create. Anyone can find a deal off the market. Few people can create deals off the market. Those are deals that are nurtured and taken care of. Those are opportunities that no one was else was able to think of. That is also really hard to do.

Volume on the other hand is pretty easy to do. We can all call more property owners. We can all email more single family leads. We can all mail more commercial multi-family property owners. Those are things we can do and because we can do them… it makes achieving wealth attainable for anyone. Even average people like me.

If finding deals off the market through volume is like a mystery hunt, then having a list of property owners with your qualifications is like the map to get there. It would be a pretty crappy map, but it is a map nonetheless. That is why I always spend 15-30 minutes — 6 days a week — building my lists or making them better. Life always feels easier, in my opinion, when you have reliable people you can call. Whether that be prospects, friends, colleagues, or business owners.

Reason #2 — Good Real Estate Lists Give You Insights Into The Market You Buy In

Good real estate lists give you insights into the market you buy in. Stay with me. Are you ready to hear a quick story? Okay let’s go.

I had been generating leads for myself in Chicago. As I started to get more leads, I got more addresses. More addresses meant more property owners. More property owners meant more property owner contacts. I even got data points like equity and age.

Eventually you hunt for enough leads… you are going to start collecting thousands of properties in a single niche market. I had entire zip codes in Chicago filled out and mined. I literally got what I could property data wise.

By the end of my search, I had collected enough data to tell you what the average price per unit should be for neighborhoods in Chicago. Crazier… I could walk a street and spot the occasional property I analyzed and did comps on by the end of my search. I could never imagine knowing a market in that much detail.

I would have never known my market in that much detail unless I started doing one thing. I would have never known about my market in that much detail unless I had built lists for those zip codes in Chicago. That data helped me negotiate offers and create new deals I would never have seen otherwise. That data gave me confidence to move in the Chicago real estate market during good times and bad.

That is my second reason why I love lists so much as a real estate entrepreneur. Whether you are a real estate investor or agent, having a list can be so helpful in my opinion.

To quickly recap. My favorite reason for building lists so heavily as a real estate entrepreneur is because volume is the name of my game. With a lot of properties to call on, and mail on, I can get leads fast. I find comfort knowing that the deal is somewhere, just waiting for me to call on them. My second reason for building lists as a real estate entrepreneur is because eventually all those lists come together to give you insights that you would have never know you have.

That’s why I named my company the Home Insights Hub… because eventually I realized my biggest advantage was never my ability to act or find deals. My biggest advantage was never being able to network. My biggest advantage was being able to build lists and use the insights from those lists to create and deals that may never have existed otherwise. That was my key advantage. That is why I share these things with you that I have learned from the Home Insights because hopefully I can help you get some more leads too.

My Biggest Issue With Mailing Postcards In 2024

“Read this article to find out my least favorite part about direct mailing to get real estate leads.”

I started mailing postcards as a way of marketing in 2019.

As a result, I learned a lot of the direct mailing principles used today… indirectly.

I love postcards so I don’t want what I am about to say to come off wrong.

Postcards changed my life.

Postcards ad a form of marketing could change your life too.

I call it a form because mailing postcards really is an art form.

Picking the right color of the background.

The right headline.

The right text.

It’s a work of art to create a postcard that converts well in the real estate industry.

I love that art.

Now for that one thing… if there was one thing. Just one thing, that I really did not enjoy about mailing… it would be not being able to measure your results beyond the high level view of:

  • Postcards Sent
  • Responses Received

This is as close to a love letter as I will get to direct mailing but not being to track so many data points when you mail postcards is annoying. It is frustrating. I can’t sleep because of it sometimes. Not really…. it is not that serious.

I wish I could split test users faster and easier with postcards. I wish I could see where someone stopped reading my postcard so I can make it better next time.

I wish I could know how many people even picked up or opened my postcard. Those are just some of the things I would love to know when I mail postcards.

I am sharing this with you because if you want to know why I use internet marketing strategies with my direct mailing strategies today…. I felt like it would help to understand why I started looking for something different first.

The Day I Became A Star At Direct Mailing

“Want to find out free ways to get real estate leads now? Read this article to find out.”

It was June 2023. There I was. In my room. It was about 6 pm. I lived in a 3 story multi-family with a navy blue facade that I really liked. I was living on the third floor. Pretty much in the attic. It was technically a one bedroom but my roommate and I saw it as a two bed. I got the smaller end of the deal and got the sun room as a bedroom.

“I can’t believe it… it is really that easy?” I tell myself.

I was staring at the Cook County Assessors website and it had a bunch of resources. I love how much Chicago strives to make using county resources easier. There was one feature among them all that I loved the most though. It was the property search feature.

The property search feature allowed me to find myself and my tax record on the cook county assessors website. It helped me find the real owner for free. More importantly, this information helped me find their mailing addresses for free too.

I had just discovered a database of real estate investors and property owners in my area who I could mail to

  1. All day
  2. All year
  3. Completely free

That’s the power of the internet. That was the day internet marketing changed the way I even do direct marketing for good. With the internet, I was able to find any property owner in Chicago and start connecting with just a few clicks.

The internet is more than just websites and pretty visuals. Sometimes I have felt like the data you get from having and operating a website is more important than the website itself.

How To Design A Light Real Estate CRM In Google Sheet

“Read this article to find out how you can get more real estate leads for free in just under 10 minutes.”

If all I could give you was a quick way to start your list then here is how I would go about doing that.

If you are a commercial broker and even if you are a commercial real estate investor, you will both want to consider these data points as you build your list.

Here is what the data points are:

Property Street Address — Property City — Property State — Property Zip Code

Let me explain quick.

At a minimum we want to know what properties we are looking at — prospecting — and pursuing at all times. This will give us the bare minimum required amount of data to eventually get us to the next step. For now you need to trust me when I tell you that from those 3 pieces of data, we can expand into pretty much any assumption or into more data points.

You are going to have a different process than me but let me tell you a quick story of what I started doing the moment I moved to California. I started building a list of 100 2 bed 2 bath condos I liked in Los Angeles and around other popular spots up to an hour away from Los Angeles.

After that list is done. I will do what I always do. I will start to narrow down the list using the county assessors property search to get the owners mailing address.

In that case I will create a list of owners who own 2 bed 2 bath condos by Los Angeles but live out of state or have an out of state mailing address. Of all the possible owners to be motivated enough to sell, I have noticed that this is one key factor that motivates people to sell…

Here is what that new list of good prospects will look like:

  • Property Street Address
  • Property City
  • Property State
  • Property Zip Code
  • Owner First Name
  • Owner Last Name
  • Owner Mailing Address

You can also do a column for “Is Out Of State Owner?”

Where the logic for that is something along the lines of:

IF Property Street Address == Owner Mailing Address:

THEN Owner is an in state owner AND keep out of this list

ELSE Owner is an out of state owner AND add to the new list

You won’t believe it. I have been a computer scientist for 7+ years now and I have used nearly every single tool you can think of. That means every single tool. Of all the tools I have ever used, Google Sheets has been by far my favorite.

I use google sheets to help me start any project and that usually starts by building a list. Everything I am giving you today makes it really easy to make your light CRM on google sheets or wherever you decide to build your commercial or residential real estate list.

Eventually with skip tracing software I can use that expanded list and get nearly every other possible variable on a property owner or property that I want. That is how easy it is to build a list and that is how I would design my database to hold my real estate lists as I go.

You are free to do what you like and that is what I want.

For more information on how you can get leads without cold calling yourself, go to

The Biggest Reason You Want To Build Lists In 2024

“Here is one free thing that made one real estate investor get more listings in 2024.”

How Lists Helped My Friend Nana Convert More Single Family Leads

Nana had been getting deals for a while now. 10+ years to be exact. You could say Nana was seasoned at buying, rehabbing, and selling single family homes in Maryland.

What Nana was doing was working and there was no reason to change. I would have either personally. When you’re doing 1-2 deals a year, you can afford to go without any lists or customer database management systems.

Then it all changed after COVID. The market in Maryland became so competitive that it was getting hard to get a single deal. Foreclosure auction? Good luck competing with 10+ other investors. MLS listing? Good luck with that too because homes were getting sold 120% compared to the listing price… it was a struggle for Nana to say the least.

Nana had a decision to make. He could either give up and call it quits. It wouldn’t be the end of the world since rehabbing fixer uppers is not his day job. Maybe there was another solution though. Maybe there was another solution Nana wasn’t even considering either.

Nana decided to find a new way to get single families he could buy and sell for a profit. Actually that is how we met Nana. He has been one of my favorite customers to work with personally. With a light CRM and a list building system, we were able to generate Nana single family leads off the market every week for the last 2+ weeks.

That is at least one new single family opportunity coming to you off the market — that means before anyone else — and it is coming to you for about $100 per acquisition. That’s pretty nice considering that the average investor gets their leads for $116+. It makes things even better knowing it costs the average investor $5000+ just to get one new single family deal off the market.

This might be about the residential market but they are very similar in these advertising costs.

Nana saw the need to adapt and made the right decision to do so. Building lists and using a customer database changed Nana’s life as a real estate investor. Having a list to always call on makes it easy to do the volume you need to in order to close deals. Having a database to manage your prospects — your leads — and your opportunities easier helps you scale faster. This also makes your life easier when you have a full time job. That’s the power of a small list as a real estate agent — broker — or investor.

Where do you want to go next?

How This One Action Made Me A Star List Builder In 2024

“Read this article to find out the one thing you can do for free to get more real estate leads now.”

Just Connect With People

LinkedIn is an online networking platform… so that’s what I do. I network with people online.

If you want to learn about residential real estate, connect with real estate people.

If you want to see what commercial real estate investors want and talk about, connect with commercial real estate investors and see what they are saying.

If you want to learn how to sell your listings faster, connect with other real estate agents and brokers in your area to see what they’re doing and how you can collaborate together.

Just connect with people because that’s what we’re here to do.

I used to feel so embarrassed reaching out to people first. Maybe that’s just a me thing. Over time I grew to love reaching out to people. You can use something like this to get started:

“Hey Jim I saw you were a commercial real estate investor. I want to learn more about what investors want in todays world. Would you be against connecting?”

‘Hey Sara I saw you were a commercial real estate agent. I wanted to see where there’s a good fit for us to make more money together. Would you be against connecting quick?”

You can use simple scripts like that to connect with pretty much anyone in the universe. It’s not complicated so do not try to make it complicated.

Some of the best insights I have ever gotten has been through customer discovery on LinkedIn. LinkedIn is not the most user friendly of all the social platforms but it does do a great job of bringing you closer to people — groups — and ideas faster than ever before.

I love that you can find any kind of professional in the world and press one button to connect with them. Do you know what that would have been like 50+ years ago before the internet? Terrible. You would be looking through a yellow book (whatever that is) for hours a day. 100+ years ago, you might have been walking door to door or waiting for the next event. Could you imagine things going that slow? No way.

That’s why my favorite action to date — the one thing I use social media for — the only value of social media — is to just connect with people. That’s how you can start building a list for free. More importantly, it is how you can start building your own niche for free. You see because by connecting with more people who fit your likes personally and in business — you will end up cresting a niche that makes you money as a result.

How To Cold Call Your Next List Of Property Owners In 2024

“Read this article to get one free cold calling script for your next motivated seller.”

Okay so now you have a list and from that list you have either prospects or leads.

Prospects are any property owner you want to get in contact with but haven’t fully verified the info yet.

Leads are property owners you are interested in and who have given you their contact info one way or another. In this section I will quickly share with you my way of cold calling your list to get quicker results fast.

You have a property owner whose property you are interested in. Maybe you’re an agent looking to get in contact with a property owner who could be motivated to sell.

You could be a commercial real estate agent trying to get in contact with someone who owns commercial real estate and is in a market where they could be motivated to sell. The more of these people you can connect with, the more people you can help sell their properties. The more people you help, the more listings you sell.

So how do we get down to it? Simply put, sales for me has always been about volume. Volume in is volume out. If it takes 500 emails to get one customer then it takes 500 emails to get one customer. If I send 250 emails and I don’t get a customer for twice as long…. then I feel like that makes sense.

When it comes to getting leads, cold calling is by far my favorite tool for creating new listings and getting more deals. Cold calling — ringing the phone — dialing — is like the my go to. The phone can usually solve anything.

When I cold call my list, I like to keep the convo short like:

“Hey Jim I saw you lived in Los Angeles. Do you know anybody looking to sell their home? I am shopping around and I wanted to see if you knew anyone who might be selling.”


That is literally how simple it can be. That one quick intro kills it.

  • You are short enough to the point where most callers will hear you without hanging up.
  • You are also asking for a favor and indirectly asking them for the favor.
  • Studies have shown that indirect asks convert better than direct asks in the case of turning a property owner into a seller.

Those are just two of many points for why I love that introduction. I have personally used it to find a variety of new sellers for agents and investors in single families to commercial multi-family. You name it.

That one quick introduction is something you can pick up today to get more leads and get more listings as a commercial real estate broker. The best part? It is completely free.

List building is the ammunition and each call is you firing a round. Without a list, I would find it hard to get leads. Take out leads, and I would find it pointless to get a list. The two work hand in hand.

When you are building a list of random people you want to make sure your introduction is light because they are busy and if they’re not busy then they are pretending they are busy. This quick introduction gives them enough time to hear us out, and then come to a real decision before hanging up or freaking out. Depends on how lucky you get that day.

I am not advocating to pressure someone. When someone says no, that means no. Thank them and move on. Don’t waste your time with it at all because if someone isn’t in the mood to help then you’re wasting your time asking for the favor. You also don’t want to try to fit a square peg in a circle hole. Doesn’t make much sense now.

You could collect a list of people who were within one level of your network and send postcards to them instead. That means if you had a seller you really interested in but a direct colleague of theirs said no to your first ask if they knew anyone who was interested, you could follow up a month later and see if the answer changes. Sometimes it takes for information to spread and it can take time for colleagues to find thing out. People are busy and bustling. That’s just life.

How To Build A List That’s Gets You More Leads Right

“Read this article to find out my cold calling secrets that you can use right now… for free.”

Introducing How Long It Can Take To Get A Lead

“I will never figure this out. I should just give up now.” I thought to myself.

Let me take a step back.

It was November 2023 and I was looking to get leads for a rental I own. I had tried everything to generate leads. Seriously. I was prospecting daily. I was calling people. I was scheduling an appointment almost every week.

But I couldn’t get anyone to do the most important thing. The only thing that really mattered at the end of the day. I couldn’t get my leads to sign the dang lease.

I went to everyone in the rental real estate space in Chicago that I could and I still couldn’t figure out the issue.

“Everything you seem to be doing should get you leads. Just be patient.” most people would respond.

Be patient? I had been patient for the last month and a half. I have been far too patient with losing money every single day that room is vacant. I was getting desperate… and then it hit me. There it was. My aha moment. My epiphany.

“Just be patient” kept going over and over in my head.

I was communicating with my leads. I was getting them engaged, but I was doing one thing wrong. You want to take a guess?? Let me explain quick. I was trying to rush my leads to a decision way too fast. Worse, when they would begin to feel like this is a sales pitch, I would quickly leave them in the dust. Cutting off any opportunity to grow the relationship with the lead in the future.

I wasn’t doing it in a negative way. I didn’t mean to do it on purpose or passive aggressively. I just needed to eat. I needed to get that room rented out as fast as possible. So if you weren’t planning on signing then I wasn’t planning to talk to you anymore. I needed to get that yes.

Then I decided to try nurturing those leads I was dropping. I decided to take the initial rejection gracefully and keep the line open. Would you be against guessing what happened next? In just under 15 days, I leased out the bedroom to a tenant who was absolutely amazing.

The difference was that I stopped selling the room and started selling the services that came with the room. I stopped selling the furnished bedroom, and I started selling the fact that they didn’t have to lug 100+ lbs worth of furniture up 3 flights of stairs anymore. At no extra cost too.

I stopped selling the utilities being free and I started selling the peace of mind they get knowing they will have a flat rent rate each month. I stopped selling the features of the room and I started selling all the ways those features could help me rental leads feel comfortable enough to sign a lease.

That started by just nurturing the lead a little past the initial rejection. Seriously. I thought it would be some long winded effort but after helping a few rental leads for free, a little after the initial rejection, I found the right tenant in no time.

How Long Can It Take To Get A Seller Side Real Estate Lead?

When it comes to buyer side leads… or even seller side leads it can take months to even get one real engaged lead.

Let me explain.

You can get a motivated seller for a commercial real estate property or a residential building. Now just because they submitted a form and they are motivated, does. It mean they are motivated to go with you.

When people pick a commercial real estate agent or broker, they want to feel like they have an advocate. That can take a couple of calls and touches to really make the commercial real estate investor feel like you have their back.

That’s why I feel like and have noticed personally that it pays to implement a staged cold calling approach. That is my process for cold calling a list through a sequence of offers over the course of something like a 6 month period. That could be like one call a month for 6 months. Personally, while that is basic, it works.

Sometimes you will get lucky and get a lead that just goes smoothly, but most situations aren’t like that.

Announcing What Happened In This Week’s CRE Newsletter

Hopefully you can now do this one thing without me…

The purpose of todays newsletter was to give you the ability to start building lists yourself.

You at least now know the process of building lists better if you want to hire someone to get you real estate leads for you.

I am giving this to you for free because I want commercial real estate brokers and agents to be able to get leads for free and be a competitor in the marketplace. Hopefully you will think of me when you decide to scale your brokerage but I won’t expect you to.

I gave you my life story

In the first part of our newsletter, I wanted to share with you my personal experience in building lists and now they changed my life.

My hope was to share with you a quick story of how list building could change your life too.

After reading the first article, you at least can believe that building lists changed my life if you still don’t think it change yours.

You know who I am and what I hate most about direct mailing

In the second and third articles I wanted to share with you my biggest issues with direct mailing.

I wanted you to hear my pain points for two reasons:

  1. Maybe you could relate
  2. You can at least understand why I made the switch to crms and internet marketing.

By the end of the second and third articles you should understand how lists helped me with direct mail marketing.

I gave you my secrets for building lists… completely free

List building can only be important if you can do it. In this fourth and fifth article, I shared with you my secrets for list building. Now you can at least build lists without me.

Plus a bonus chapter for building real estate lists using LinkedIn

Then I wanted to give you some free content. That’s why I shared with you how I would build lists using LinkedIn if I was a commercial real estate broker in the United States.

Why am I sharing all this with you?

My reason for sharing all this with you for free is because I want you to succeed as a commercial real estate broker. Being a broker is already hard enough and I want to make your life easier. That’s why in this article I gave you a free guide to getting leads on your own because I want you to be able to scale your commercial real estate brokerage for free.

Can You Help Me Out With This One Thing?

These articles and guides are completely free for you because I just want to help. Can you help me with a quick favor please? I only have one ask.

Would you be opposed to sharing this with one more broker if you know anyone whom it could help? I just want to get this to anyone who use these articles to grow their real estate brokerage and get more listings.

No pressure. Totally get you are busy so I won’t expect you to send this Sunday newsletter to anyone.

By the end of this newsletter I hope you can now go build your lists. Stop thinking. Start doing. Your list won’t build itself. It’s not a pretty process and I won’t sugar coat it for you. It’s a tedious thing to do every day.

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5 个月

Emin, your dedication over the last 5 years to uncover what truly separates good brokers from the best is inspiring! Your willingness to share this hard-earned knowledge shows your passion for helping others succeed. I'm eager to learn this invaluable insight and take my skills to the next level. Thank you for offering such valuable guidance—excited to see what's in store!



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