How to build a good offer without relying on a guarantee

Hey Everyone! Jacob here

People nowadays are obsessed with guarantees, maybe you’ve noticed?

Every ad, every offer, everywhere, has a guarantee.

That’s because they work.

Even we guarantee your first $50,000 deal or you don’t pay (more info at link in bio)

But sometimes…you don’t want to use a guarantee.

Maybe you can’t risk giving money back.

You may want to validate the strength of an offer without it.

Whatever the reason, you CAN build a killer offer without a guarantee.

This post will show you how.

First, let’s look at what a guarantee’s purpose is:

A guarantee is a mechanism that increases trust.

The good thing is that it’s not the ONLY mechanism that can increase trust.

There are mechanisms to increase trust before you even offer anything…

So if you want a strong offer WITHOUT that guarantee.

Use these mechanisms to increase trust:

Social Proof

The SINGLE most powerful trust builder.

We’re social creatures. The more people do something and get the desired result, the more confident we are in doing that same thing.


No. This isn’t a joke.

The more convicted you are → the more persuasive you are.

My business partner Jordan closed the first deal for our Growth Partner business without any sort of “offer” - he just said he’d grow their business (this was before I partnered with him).

They trusted him because he had full conviction.

He said he was going to work 24/7 to grow their business.

And he believed it.

That client alone has made us 6 figures in the past year.

Strong Rapport / Relationship

Who would you trust more: your wife or a prostitute?

Unless you’re a psychopath you’d choose a wife.

Because you have more of a relationship there.

You have a connection.

Sure, you can’t build that deep of a connection with a prospect before you offer them something…but you CAN make an effort to establish some sort of connection.

This is why we love discovery calls.

On discovery calls nobody is selling anything, and the prospect’s guard isn’t as high.

It’s a perfect opportunity to increase trust for when you do sell.

& it’s also perfect to leverage the next mechanism of trust:


People buy into their own ideas 5x more than anyone else’s.

If you present their ideas back to them in the form of an offer?

They’ll LOVE it.

A discovery call is perfect for this.

On the discovery call, you build a connection, but you also should learn about their pains and desires. Get as specific as you can, because the next step ties it all together…

At the end of the discovery, book in another call to discuss a Growth Plan.

The Growth Plan you present is how you will get them their EXACT desires without their EXACT pains with your services. This is powerful even without a guarantee because you’re mirroring their own ideas with your offer in the form of a Growth Plan.

Mirroring also works in general outside of making an offer.

We tend to trust people more if they look, speak, think, and/or act like us.


I can already hear the 19-year-old hustle porn addicts getting mad at this one.

Although degrees aren’t the strongest trust mechanism, they work.

I have a marketing degree, and while what I learned while studying was useless…

It did add a little credibility, especially when I was just starting out.

Give Value

Value is a word overused by your favourite gurus.

Because it’s SO EFFECTIVE.

You showcase your competency…

…you show, don’t tell.

I’m doing it with this post now.

If you like what you see, this is just the tip of the iceberg :)

I have to be general in these so my advice applies to everyone.

If you want my entire executive team & I to work with you 1-1 for 5 months…

…and for us to give you specific advice tailored to just YOUR business?

Click this button to apply


A guarantee is a mechanism that increases trust.

If you don’t want to, or can’t, use one. It’s no big deal.

You can use these other mechanisms to increase trust:

Social Proof


Strong Rapport / Relationship



Give Value


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