How to Build Customer Training Academy Using an LMS

How to Build Customer Training Academy Using an LMS

Grab any of your 2-min Maggie Packet and look on its label back, there’s always a recipe for your delicious dish. They don’t just sell you a product but teach you how to make use of it.??

This is the purpose of your?customer training academy?— teaching customers about how to make the most out of your product. This educational process simplifies the complexity (too technical sounded) around your product & services & helps to advance leads further down to dedicated customer onboarding even creating a lubricative sales funnel.?

It's high time! Surface the value of your product by educating your customers and letting them become experts in what they’re using. Because an expert product user is hooked to become your brand advocate.?

So, shall we start by understanding why you need a customer-training portal for all this education and how to build customer training academy using an LMS??

Why Do You Need a Customer Training Portal?

Essentially, you aim to create an academy for your customer to make them aware of your product, but, then why do need a customer training portal for that? Is it worth your investment??

Every customer needs something more or less when they’re buying anything online, so it all drips down to the amount of information they have, supporting them in their buying decisions. In simple terms, you need an advanced approach to identify your user’s expectations, goals, nature of work, requirements at their job etc.

And hell no, you’re using excel sheets & data segmentation tools to accomplish that process, you need an intuitive portal. You need an AI-tech-driven portal that accommodates a few factors:?

  • Provides a?personalized customer experience?through Intuitive Onboarding?
  • Reduces churn?by providing value-driven solutions?
  • Upsells?your sales funnel?
  • Enables your users to become?Brand Advocates.?
  • Increases Lifetime value (LTV) &?customer retention rate.?

An expert user is like a loyal addition - they will see the value earlier in your sales cycles. Even if they’ll consider activating or up-gradation your higher-end services as your academy serves as a gainful experience, they will stick for longer.?

To upscale your educational bar, consider offering high-quality industry-related education. It will establish your organization as a though-leader or leader in your industry. Furthermore, it improves your position as a strong brand, attracting more and more leads & easy conversions.?

How Companies are Using LMS for Customer Training??

High chance that you already have customer onboarding in place through various means — resource sections (blogs, ebooks, case studies, etc), an auto-responder email sequence, live webinar sessions, or even a live demo about your product use. Considering the time factor, these are time-consuming mechanisms to achieve any desired sales goals.?

You need to keep a constant tap on your customer's life cycle and regulate your training process to enable an environment of self-paced learning. A dedicated customer training portal helps to tap such aspects by personalizing the right content mix to teach the use of your product until the customer reaches their "Aha!" moment.?

Segment the courses from basics to expert-level of your product. That's exactly what?Hubspot Academy?does with its education academy. They created courses on how to use every tiniest feature of their product, resulting in users buying their premium features to explore more.?

How Do You Build a Customer Academy Using LMS??

Let’s take the example of?Articulate 360?academy to understand the need for a dedicated training portal. Now, you don’t have to align your goals based on these current academies, just a tap of how successful an academy can be for inclusive lead generation.?

This portal was built using Rise 360, a top-rated online course platform (application) and LMS. Rise 360 is a white-label solution with full-customizable features to educate the customer and train the employees or provide courses to a wide audience.?

Quick Checklist to Build Customer Training Academy (Using an LMS)?

A self-hosted LMS can cost expensive range to set up, but a cloud-based LMS setup might cost somewhere lesser, comparatively. Even though purchasing a learning management system is essential for enhancing your training programs, if you’re hesitant to spend the time setting up your platform properly — your training initiatives may not succeed.??

We're going to assist you in properly setting up your LMS today by guiding you through the checklist of an LMS setup, are you ready? (Sip up a coffee, you might need these pointers for later whiteboard sessions)?

  • Schedule a launch date?
  • Prioritize the first steps?
  • Define your KPIs?
  • Familiarize yourself with LMS?
  • Set up Integration?
  • Establish User Roles?
  • Set up Customer Portals?
  • Upload Relevant Content?
  • Customize Email Notifications?
  • White Labelling & Branding?
  • ?Finalize Courses & Platforms?
  • Onboard & Enroll Users?

Click How to Build Customer Training Academy Using an LMS?to read more.


