How to build credibility as a female leader
Dirty Dancing II Havana Nights

How to build credibility as a female leader

Hello and thanks for reading No-one puts Baby in a Corner the sequel

A bit like the second album, I know full well that this edition must be at least as good if not better than the first. Anyone aware of the sequel Dirty Dancing Havana Nights, released in 2004??? No?

Suffice to say the lift was half-arsed version of the original as was most of the film. Best left gathering dust.

But when 300 women (and 4 men, thank you guys) subscribe to something you’ve created it better be worth their time or you end up being a one-hit wonder.

So here goes?

The featured content for this edition is ‘Being known for something’. Aka, How to build credibility and influence as a female leader??

What do you want to be known for?

It will come as no surprise when I tell you that I didn’t set out to empower women into leadership roles. That only came about in the last 4 years. Paying it forward hadn’t occurred, frankly I was far too busy concentrating on myself!

I hadn’t even considered my own Personal Brand and professional reputation though I routinely asked this question of my clients and their brands.

But if I had, like many of the women I speak to today, I would probably have replied in the context of my employment…I want to be know for being good at my job, someone others can rely on to deliver, nice, friendly, approachable (ummmm maybe not the latter!)?

All of which with hindsight would be considered non-differentiating and rather limiting?

And this is about Lifting not Limiting!! (see what I did there?)

If your stakeholders aren't seeing you the way you want to be seen, then perhaps you're not showing them. So how do you make it happen?

First marketing maxim

Throw 3 messages out there and your audience will only hear one.?So when considering your professional reputation aim to be known for ONE thing: Build your specialism around something you really enjoy and are good at, become the go-to expert in this field for your particular audience and stay in lane, be consistent

Second marketing maxim

Not every is going to like you and you will not please everyone all the time. Fact. And trying to do so muddies the waters and make you ineffective so don’t waste your time and energy on those who can’t further your cause…keep them as drinking mates and rant buddies

Follow this simple strategy and very quickly you will establish credibility, influence and trust which is exactly what you need to be a successful leader

Books not gathering dust!

Every so often on LinkedIn I read rave reviews for influential books which would be right up my street. Consequently, I have a raft of books I haven’t read but many I have

Here are two I recommend as excellent reads if you want the inside track on how to compete in today’s work environment?

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Why Men at Work?by Gill Whitty-Collins. Described as a “provocative call to arms” by the Daily Mail (but don’t hold that against it) Gill is an ex-P&G Marketer and her book is both informative and entertaining. I read it in one and have post-it bookmarks throughout

Reinventing You?by Dorie Clark. A super practical guide to defining where you want to take your career and how to make it happen. For those who have been on my Personal Brand Elevator programme this was my inspiration for Modules 2 and 3. Dorie needs no introduction from me and she is well worth following on LinkedIn, if Marketing Strategy and Personal Branding is your thing

Up and Coming FREE EVENT on banishing self-limiting language

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Last week I posted a carousel (click the image for the full post) on LinkedIn pointing out the differences between the assertive language used by men in the workplace and the reasons women shy away from doing the same. It's one of my hobby horses, because the use of minimising language destroys credibility and influence, the exact opposite of what most of us want to achieve

So I decided to turn my obsession into a free workshop.?

How to Communicate with Confidence & Authority

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It’s taking place Weds 13th at 1pm, click the for the details which are also on the FirstWoman LinkedIn page. We will be covering off the reasons for using minimising language, the offending glossary of phrases and alternatives plus if there's time, a practical workshop on how to ask for what you want and get it & saying NO with conviction

There are limited places and it’s already half full so if you want to join reserve your spot and I'll see you there!

That's it for this month. Have a wonderful Easter everyone and don't beat yourself up over eating too much chocolate...

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PS. Some of you will have received this twice if you also subscribed via the FirstWoman page. The content is exactly the same so feel free to unsubscribe from this version!


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