How to Build Business without Losing your Soul
Craig Severinsen
Marketing and JV Comms at Universal | Best Selling Author | Biz Growth Consultant | MBA candidate
Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t take it any more? Perhaps you, like me, have woken up one Monday morning and could not stand the thought of one more day in that office, at that desk, working for that company. Yet, like I did for a long time, you still get up, shower and go to work. The truth is, you’re not alone, even those who run their own business feel this way sometimes. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
Actually, work shouldn’t be that way. To suffer through life is no way to live. We are meant to enjoy life. You don’t deserve to go into work day after day and hate what you do. Yet, that is exactly what society tells you to do. Most of the business world wants you to be miserable - mostly because they are miserable too.
Has your business lost its soul?
The corporate world suffers from “Lost Soul Syndrome;” a disease I just made up. However, it aptly describes the problem. There is a false perception that to succeed in business, you have to fit in with everyone else. Those that embrace these ideals are driven out of fear and pride. The truth is they probably struggle with the same feelings you do. They’ve just gotten better at ignoring how much they hate themselves.
Your clients don’t like it when everyone is the same - they don’t respond to it. In order to succeed you need something more. The great news is, the way to build a great company is also the way to save your soul.
More than just a pretty face...
Most people think that all they need is a really great product to succeed. Great products are a start, but only a start. It’s true that you will get some business selling quality products, but you can’t become a truly remarkable company without digging deeper. You have to stand for something. You have to be different. You have to be yourself.
So, be different! Doesn’t that make intuitive sense? Business owners are always asking how to stand out. The answer is simple: don’t be like every single other person out there! Yes, emulate success, but be true to your own style and your values. Don't let fear stop you from being different. Fear keeps you focused on fitting in, which results in blending in.
Look at any company that you admire and you will see that they stand for something bigger than themselves. You have to do the same to succeed. The challenge is to dig deep in order to find out exactly what you stand for. It can be uncomfortable.
While uncomfortable, it is the groundwork for stellar success. A good example of this is Zappos, the online shoe retailer. Zappos started with a great product - buy shoes online. However, there is a lot of resistance to buying shoes online. What if they don’t fit? What if I don’t like them? What if the quality isn’t that good?
In order to counter this, Zappos started giving unprecedented quality guarantees and amazing customer service. They even founded a call center to help people (not just customers) with anything (not just shoes). There is even an account of the CEO of Zappos insisting people call their hotline at 3 am in the morning for help ordering pizza for a party.
Zappos took their great product a step further by adding great customer service. Then they dug deeper and decided to simply help people, even when it’s not exactly their thing. Why wouldn’t you order shoes from a place that will bend over backwards to get you what you want, exactly when you want it (even if it's a pizza at 3 am)?
Standing for an ideal or a value doesn’t have to be a religious thing (though it can be, just ask Hobby Lobby or Chik-fil-a). It does mean you have to be genuine. You have to connect with ideals that people are drawn to at a very basic level. The great news is that this will make you happier. You will be able to embrace what you do and who you are in the same moment. In other words, you don’t have to be religious to save your soul.
Get started already!
Sounds great right? But how do you get started? Easy, start with a Value Statement. A Value Statement is a way to express the things you stand for. It’s the first step to embracing your values and yourself. A Value Statement helps you to understand why you do what you do, and lays the groundwork for integrating those values into how you do what you do.
To make a value statement, start by asking yourself these questions:
- Why did I get into business in the first place?
- What strong beliefs do I have in my life (both business and personal)?
- What higher calling does my business stand for?
- What values do my customers connect with?
Not every value you have should make it to your Value Statement. Once you get going, you’ll see that you have a lot of things in your life (both business related and not) that are important to you. What you want to do is chose 3 to 5 values that you feel are the most important. It helps to combine your list of values into categories.
Once you’ve identified your top values, write them down and plaster them on the wall. Put them where you will see them every day. At first, allow these values to be flexible. What we think we value, what our customers value, and what we really value do not always match up at first. As you begin to focus on your values you will start to recognize which ones should be prioritized or changed - that’s OK.
This isn’t the end of the process. In fact, this is just one part of a 7-step process that Bright Works PR and Marketing teaches to help you “Be Different.” Bright Works can help walk you through these steps through their Rocket Consulting program. To find out more about the 7-step process or Rocket Consulting visit
About the author: Craig has one message for you: BE DIFFERENT!
When Craig was in high school, he had to wear a school ID on a lanyard around his neck. Just like everyone else in school, he wore it every day. Until one day, Craig scanned it in, blew it up to 10 times its size and wore a giant name tag. He got a lot of attention, a date and detention. That was the day he realized that you only get attention when you stand out.
Now, Craig helps organizations just like yours to clarify their story, build their brand and find their giant name tag. This helps you reach your ideal client and build a healthier company. Find out more about Bright Works' Rocket Consulting and stand out from the crowd at
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