How to Build a Better LinkedIn Profile?
Whether you are a fresh graduate or a professional with a solid experience you know that today, in 2020 personal branding is essential. A strong LinkedIn profile will serve as the most accurate representation of who you are and what you do in the professional field. In After the COVID-19 world, our digital presence may become a determinant factor in the process of employee selection. So how can you improve your LinkedIn profile to attract employers and professionals to grow your network?
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Decide on your goals:
Easier said than done. However, that is an essential step that will help you build or boost your career. Depending on the industry you work in (or wish to enter), think of where you would like to see yourself in 5 years. Which company and which role? Be realistic but dare to dream. What brands inspire you the most? Do you prefer a small start-up where you can be your own boss or a big corporate environment? Unswerving these questions will give you an insight on where to start, which job postings to consider, which people to connect and what skills to improve.
Sort your summary and headline:
Assuming you answered the questions from the above you can now map out your profile. LinkedIn has many features that are created to help job seekers to be seen by the employees. So, don't neglect the headline and summary. Try to align your goals with your statements about yourself. Use the appropriate keywords, however, try to avoid over-used ones like inspiring, leading, creative, strategic, experienced, etc. These words are worn out, so instead try to focus on more precise phrases. Take the skill assessment: LinkedIn claims that candidates who complete LinkedIn Skill Assessments are significantly more likely (~30%) to get hired (2019, Jersin).
Work on your visuals:
Visuals are important. People get the first impression of you even before reading the text from your photo and background photo. So, choose wisely. The general recommendation for the photo is a headshot, dressed as if you were at work with your eyes smiling. At the same time, we understand that how your visuals will look will depend on your personality and the industry you are in. If it's corporate finances, you, probably want to look conservative, and if you are in a fashion business creative approach may be the best for you. In any case, professional photoshoot might be a good choice, if you are ready to invest. Again, it is about your goals and personal branding.
Showcase your skills and achievements:
We already mentioned the skills part, but don't forget to list your accomplishments. Your proudest moments from work, school or volunteering should be on your LinkedIn profile. Examples: increased sales up to 10% in 3 months or organized charity events for the local community. And if you passed a new LinkedIn learning course - it should be seen in your profile.
Request and give recommendations:
Recommendations will add credibility to your profile. If you have already work experience that shouldn't be hard at all - write to your former colleague or boss - ask for a short recommendation. Those are very useful from the employers’ point of view as they give an impression on how you work and cooperate with other people. And if you are a recent graduate - ask your professors to write a few sentences about you. Obviously, if you didn't participate in the learning process a lot that might be awkward, but in any case: it's ok to ask. Furthermore, give recommendations to people who impressed you: you can suggest writing a recommendation to a creative colleague, and he or she might want to return the favour and give you a nice recommendation.
Grow your network:
One of the ways to do it is to synch your LinkedIn network with your email address book (Fleming, 2020). But generally, connect with professionals in your field and your geographic location. Follow the people who inspire you and whose career path you admire. LinkedIn has a great search engine to accelerate that. Always add a personal note when you ask someone to connect, that will separate you from hundreds of other people who can't be bothered to write 3 lines. And making an effort is always a plus.
Be active: post, share, comment:
Connecting with professionals is a good start, but then you must be active on your feed. Comment on people's posts, thank them for sharing valuable information and write posts. We all know how Social works these days, if you are quiet and don't post - no one will see you.