AdWords interface can be quite tricky to build & maintain at times, but this step-by-step guide will help you through everything you need to do to create a well-structured adwords account. Also, remember one thing that the structure of your account shouldn’t be permanent, and will likely continue to change over time.
A well-structured account will:--
1. Make sure that the searches triggering your ads are relevant for your audience.
2. Result in better quality scores, which in turn give you better results and lower prices.
Campaigns: An Adwords account contains different campaigns based on the business or product theme & each campaign contains different ad groups. Campaign topics should be decided based on how you want to spend your marketing budget, since you set up your budget at the campaign level.
Ad Groups: Under each campaign, you need to create relevant ad groups, which will be much more specific. There’s no limitation in number of ad groups to have under a campaign, but it’s more manageable to not go overboard. Ad groups contain keywords (maximum 10-20 is recommended), these keywords will trigger your text ads (2-3 ads/ ad group), and then direct to a relevant landing page.
Keywords: Keywords are very important to controlling the way your ad is triggered & they fall under each ad group. When someone types search query in the search box of Google, if the search query matches with your keywords then it will trigger your ad. Each keyword have a Max CPC, match type & quality score tied to it.
Negative Keywords: If you’re using broad match or modified broad match keywords, there are possibilities to pull in some irrelevant search queries that match with your keywords and ads. So, keep checking out your ad’s search terms to identify irrelevant terms & keep adding the negative keywords in your campaign.
Ad Text: The actual text that appears when your ad is triggered is the ad text. Each ad group should have 2-3 ads per each ad group directing to the same landing page.
Landing Page: Each ad in your campaign should be directed to the most relevant page. The page should reflect the keywords you’re bidding on within that ad group & the ad text displaying in the SERPs. Landing page relevancy and optimization are very crucial to see success with PPC.
Based on the Website Structure: If your website is structured well then it makes sense to structure your AdWords account in a similar way. So first you should understand - How is your website structured? Do you have different pages for different products or offerings? Do you value some particular product pages over others? According to the answers you should structure your adwords account.
By Products/Services Offered: For example, let’s say your product is Indian Wear, you would want to create campaigns for saree, salwar, lehenga etc.
Then under the “saree” campaign you might create separate ad groups for the different types of sarees like silk, cotton, designer etc. Take a look at your various products and decide which ones have high demand. Then you might want to create a campaign for them with a higher budget. Spend more time mapping out your products, and deciding how you want to spend your budget between campaigns.
Based on Locations: If location targeting is important to your service, then structure your account based on this. For example, if you are running a restaurant chain in different locations, then definitely you would like to target those areas & a particular radius of the location for your different restaurants.
2. How to Conduct Keyword Research for More Effective PPC Campaigns
After creating a proper account structure with campaign themes and ad group topics, now it’s time to fill up those ad groups with the right keywords. You need to do thorough keyword analysis to ensure that you’re choosing keywords that have good search volume & low competition. Your keywords should show clear commercial intent, so that people who use those keywords are looking for something to buy.
Some best keyword research tools are Google keyword planner, SpyFu keyword research tool & SEMRush keyword tool to find relevant keywords for each ad group.
3. Create Your Adwords Search Advertising Campaign
After mapping out a proper account structure with a detailed keyword list, now it’s time to build your first campaign:
- By default you’ll be opted into Search Network with Display Select. This option will allow your text ads to show outside of search, on other relevant sites across the web. But it is preferable to keep the search and display campaign separate, so for search ad it is recommended to choose “Search Network Only.”
Now, give your campaign a proper name according to its business goal. Then choose a subtype of the campaign – “Standard” or “All Features”, the “Standard” option is the default one but it is recommended to choose “all features” as you’ll get more advanced targeting options in this subtype.
By default the option “Include search partners” will be selected, but if you don’t want to show your ads in other search partners like,, etc, then you can unchecked the box.
- According to the campaign, you should choose the proper location & language targeting options.
You can easily put your targeted location or country in search box of “Let me choose”.
In advanced location options, it is recommended to choose ‘People in, searching for, or who show interest in my targeted location’ in “Target” as it shows your ad to more potential customers for your product or services. And similarly in “Exclude”, the option ‘People in, searching for, or who show interest in my excluded location’ is recommended to avoid irrelevant searches.
- By default you’ll be opted into letting AdWords set your bids, but bidding manually is recommended to have full control over your budget.
- Default bid is actually the max CPC that will be tied to each keyword you add & it can be easily changed for each keyword when the campaign is running. Budget is very important for any campaign. To decide the budget you need to calculate how much you are willing to spend per day for the campaign with the marketing budget you have allotted to AdWords.
After deciding the Bid & Budget for the campaign we need to choose our preferred “Delivery Method” for the ads. In ‘Standard’ delivery method, the campaign ads will be shown evenly throughout the day according to the budget and in ‘Accelerated’ delivery method, the ads will be delivered quickly until your budget is reached. ‘Accelerated’ method is beneficial when you are running a discount/offer for a limited time period, otherwise ‘Standard’ method is recommended for any campaign.
- Apart from the basic structure there are some additional features too. One of the important features is “Ad Extensions”.
Just select the checkboxes of the extensions you want to add with your campaign. With these extensions you can give some additional information about your business to some potential customers. For example, you can add your contact number with ‘Call’ extension or can inform about your service location through ‘Location’ extension.
“Ad Scheduling” is a good option if you know which particular time in a day you can target your right audiences, so that you can schedule your ads to show them to your most potential customers.
For example, if your target audiences are homemakers then the perfect time to show your ad will be definitely afternoon or evening.
You can rotate your ads through “Ad rotation”, so that the best performing ads get more importance and your campaign goal can be achieved.
4. Create Your Ad Groups & Text Ads
Under the ad campaign, you need to create the ad groups. For Example, if “Saree” is one of the campaigns then the ad groups under this campaign will be based on the available varieties of the product, like “Silk Saree”, “Cotton Saree” , “Handloom Saree” etc.
Under the campaigns tab in AdWords, you’ll see an “Ad groups” tab and a red +Ad Group button. Click the button when you want to add new ad groups.
Give a proper name to the created Ad Group. Then you’ll need to create the ad, because an ad group of course won’t be able to run unless there’s at least one advertisement in that group.
Choose “Text Ad” to show your ads on above the Google search results. In this ad format, you need to specify the headline, description & URL of the Ad. In Headline section, it is good to include the keyword, so that when your potential customers will search for the particular product or services, your ads can be displayed. In Description section, you should mention about the feature of the product or service and here it is good to include a ‘Call to action’ word phrase (e.g. ‘Buy Now’, ‘Shop Now’ etc.). The Final URL will be the URL of the landing page of the ad and in the Path section you need to mention the Display URL which will come along with your ad (e.g. Each & every section of an ad has its own character limits. Keep in mind that your ad text needs to reflect the keywords & landing page’s text which the ad is directing to.
If you want to create new ads, you have to add them by clicking the red button +Ad under the tab ‘Ads’.
5. Add Relevant & Irrelevant Keywords
On the same screen where we're creating the ad group & writing the ad text, you’ll see a white box titled “Keywords” where you need to add the previously created keyword list. This keyword list should be short (not more than 10-20 keywords) and extremely relevant to the landing page & the ad text.
You need to specify the match types of the keywords, which tells Google how aggressively or restrictively you want it to match your advertisements to keyword searches. There are four different keyword match types – broad match, modified broad match, phrase match & exact match.
When using broad match, your ad is eligible to appear whenever a user’s search query includes any word in your key phrase, in any order. So, Ads may show on searches that include misspellings, synonyms, related searches, and other relevant variations. When you are using broad match modifier, ads may show on searches that contain the modified term (or close variations, but not synonyms), in any order. In that case, you need to add ‘+’ sign with your keyword (For ex. +designer +sarees). If you are using phrase match, your ad will only appear when a user queries include your keywords in the exact order you enter them, but there might be other words either before or after that phrase. In this match type, you need to use the parameter “ “ with your keyword (For ex. “designer sarees”). With exact match type, users can only see your ad when they type your exact keyword phrase by itself and you need to enter your keywords within [] (For ex. [designer sarees]).
If you want to add keywords in a running campaign, then navigate to the ad group in the left sidebar, and then go to the “Keywords” tab and select the red “+Keyword” button.
Then select the “Ad Group” for which you want to add the new keywords and add them in the box.
To avoid irrelevant searches, you need to add some negative keywords too. Under “Keywords” tab, you’ll find the tab “negative Keywords”; click on it & add the negative keywords either under “Ad group level” or “Campaign level”. The words against which you don’t want to show your ad, just add them with ‘-‘ sign in the box. (For ex. –price, -image etc.)
To understand with which relevant & irrelevant terms your ads are showing, you need to check daily the “Search Terms” under “keyword” tab and keep adding them as your keywords or negative keywords.
6. Additional Extensions
If you want to add some extensions with your particular ad groups, just navigate to the ad group in the left sidebar & under “Ad extensions” tab you can choose different types of extensions.
a> With Sitelink Extensions, you can include some additional relevant pages with your ads.
b> With Location Extensions, you can add your physical address with the ads.
c> With Call Extensions, you can show your contact number with the ads.
d> With App Extensions, you can add the app download link with your ad if you’re promoting a mobile app.
e> With Review Extensions, you can add reviews about your product to show them with the ads.
f> With Callout Extensions, you can include additional text with your ads.
g> With Structured Snippet Extensions, you can highlight few specific aspects of your products and services.
h> With Price Extensions, you can add prices with the products you are promoting.
Last but not the least, A/B testing for the different versions of similar ads can help you to gradually increase click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, and decrease bounce rate. So, keep tracking & analyzing the results to get the best from your PPC campaigns.