How to Build Agility and Relevance to Your Thought Leadership

How to Build Agility and Relevance to Your Thought Leadership

"Cracking the code on digital content is no longer only about audience and message. Instead, it's about agility and relevance," says?Amy Scissons, Chief Marketing and Communications Officer of Russell Reynolds Associates. "Marketers are faced with addressing how to insert their firm's point of view in the existing conversation that helps their clients and prospects meet their day-to-day challenges."?

According to Scissons, the key to successful content is to look for opportunities to create a thought leadership strategy that is agile and relevant. You can do this by focusing on creativity, innovation and exploring topics of interest related to your business niche.?

So how do you build agility and relevance into your content? In this article, I will explain these concepts.

Cracking the Code on Developing Agile and Relevant Digital Content

It's not always easy for marketers today – even those who have been in the industry for decades – to keep up with all of the new and innovative digital marketing strategies. With so many different tools, channels, and platforms to choose from, it can be challenging to focus on what will be successful online in this day and age.

One of the essential things to remember for a successful thought leadership strategy for digital campaigns is that content is king!

Avoid online marketing pitfalls. Here are a few of the things you can do to crack the code of digital content creation.

Know Your Audience

Understand that not everyone can appreciate your thought leadership. But there should be that one person you can connect with and potentially be a loyal follower or customer. You can find this person by creating a buyer persona.

A buyer persona is a fictional person that has the characteristics of your ideal customer. You create it by writing a detailed description of their pain points, interests, needs, questions, goals, demographic details, and more.

Inspire, But Also Educate

We never stop learning.?

For that reason, digital content should not only inspire but also educate your target audience. Discuss new and innovative thought leadership topics that are relevant to their industry.?Inspire them through storytelling?or using a personal touch. This will build trust right away.?

Keep in mind; people need some basic information before they can be sold on more forward-thinking ideas. They want someone who understands what they're going through and help make sense of it all instead of just throwing jargon at them without context.?This way, you will find yourself both inspiring and educating your target market. This will lead to an increase in sales conversion rates.

Build a Foundation, Then Provide Solutions

One way to make your thought leadership feel more accessible is by not answering all the questions. One of the reasons thought leadership is valuable is that it challenges people's worldviews and opens them up to new ideas. Thought leaders cannot answer all of the questions. It isn't possible. Instead, they focus on setting a foundation for others to provide their solutions.

Provide the Most Relevant Information

One way to crack the digital code is by making sure you send relevant emails. Over 21% of your recipients will unsubscribe from your newsletter if they find it helpful or relevant enough.

Want a way to show compassion and best serve your audience? Send them only the most relevant information. Unfortunately, when sending irrelevant content, you do so at the expense of that trusting relationship you have with them.

Research and Initiate Development

Knowing what businesses are trying to achieve and why will help determine where the company should be spending resources. Spend time developing an understanding of existing customer needs. Then, create content relevant to those customers, incredibly if you have researched emerging technology or marketing trends.

This is especially important for thought leaders who are looking to convey complex ideas and concepts online. You want your relevant content also to be accurate. This will require you to have vast knowledge and do thorough research. This way, you will ensure your readers get the most out of their time reading your post.

See How Your Competitors Are Doing It

Another tip for?creating relevant content?would be figuring out how your competitors are doing it, not only what they are building. Then come up with something new or improve upon their approach. This way, your content will stand out as different.

This can ensure people do not tune you out because of too much repetition on the topic you are covering.?Instead, be relevant by addressing current events or discussing trends significant to your audience and how it affects them.

Keep Creating Content

Lastly, remember to keep creating new content. This way, there is always something for your audience to read and digest about your brand. Don't allow consumers of your content to get bored because they don't have anything interesting posted regularly from your brand. It's essential not just to post one piece of content per week. Preferably create at least two.

Ensure that your content includes an infographic and other multimedia content like videos of interviews concerning your business niche topics. This way, someone who reads might come across more than one article per day, and those who prefer to view content see the information they are seeking.

Building Agility and Relevance into Your Thought Leadership Strategy

First of all, what does?building agility into your thought leadership?marketing strategy even mean? It is pretty simple. To be agile is to adapt quickly and efficiently. In marketing, these elements are crucial to an effective campaign.

Though agile marketing and thought leadership are two different things, they share some similarities. Both require certain proximity to consumers to keep up with changes quickly. Prompt, efficient responses to these changes will position your organization as a leader in the industry.


