How will breaking taboo's unlock a new pool of Talent?

How will breaking taboo's unlock a new pool of Talent?

It is safe to say that, in the current climate, organisations would shudder at the thought of inadvertently implementing ageist or sexist practices to alienate their employees.  However, recent reports highlight that both of these things are widely reported by employees.  Addressing these inequalities head-on will ensure that two significant pools of talent; working mums with children and the over 50's, are embraced and developed to their full potential. 

Let's start with the facts, as they paint an interesting picture:

  • An estimated 13.5 million jobs will be created over the the next 10 years - during which time only 7 million people will enter the work force.

  • Over 30% of the UK workforce are aged over 50.

  • Across all sectors, 1:10 workers are aged over 60. 1:5 are over 50.

  • Managers rate team members aged over 50 over a third lower than younger age groups for their keenness to learn, develop & progress.

  • Over 50's themselves rate their own keenness to develop at 94%.

  • Half a million more women than men are seeking work.

  • 1:10 women report having to leave their jobs after maternity leave after being treated poorly or edged out of their positions.

  • When flexible working practices are implemented for mums with young families, over a quarter report fewer work opportunities.

  • The number of self-employed women in the UK has risen nearly three times faster when compared to men.

So, what does this mean for businesses looking to recruit and retain the best talent when competition is high?

Firstly, it's important that HR conducts a review, to ensure both the robustness of employment practices in place and to weed out anything that could be causing negative experiences or limiting the opportunity of any employee.

Employers really need to break the taboo's. They need to challenge themselves to acknowledge and address any underlying or explicit inequalities that may exist for all employees, especially for working mums and the over 50's.  They need recognise the potential challenges their business may face if this huge drop off of talent in these two groups is reflected in what they see and continues.

There are quite simply not going to be enough young people to fill any gaps that are created in existing roles and new ones as they arise. This could result in skills shortages, lower productivity, inability to meet internal and external expectations and ultimately impact on long-term profitability and growth. 

Whilst there are many measures organisations can take as part of a long-term strategic plan to both nurture young talent and support longer working lives, there is also an opportunity for organisations looking to innovate and attract some of the talented working mums and over 50's into their own talent pool.

As recruiters, we find that candidates from both these groups are highly motivated, ambitious with a broad range of skills and experiences to offer.  Whilst is has been reported that less people are likely to leave a stable job in the current economic climate, there is a wave of discontent amongst these groups which means that accessing them as a passive candidate may be a way of offering them an opportunity for an exit strategy.

Are you going to break the taboo's….? Working mums with children and over 50's have a huge amount to offer the modern workplace and can often inspire and be role models to existing employees.  The time is now to put in place the plans to tap in to this.


Sarah Taylor Phillips

Solving 30 & 50+ female talent drain with sustainable careers & future proofing the workplace using flex jobshare AI wellbeing leadership intergenerational teams interim equity age diversity & inclusion talent retention

9 年

This is a really fantastic opportunity for employers to have a more diverse workforce and to really explore new talent pools - The recruitment market will need to start looking at transferable skills more closely and looking at a business problem and thinking more laterally about talent, capability and competency. Exciting times ..

Dawn Weddell (Assoc CIPD)

CIPD | Human Resources | Programme Management | Stakeholder Management | Culture Development | Change Management | Six Sigma | Problem Solving | Prince2 | Continuous Improvement

9 年

great article - I have just hit fifty and have friends at a similar age that are job hunting they find the door is closed against them, yet people of our age have lot of experience and knowledge that they can not only give to a company but younger peers as well

Jacqueline Jardine CMCIPD

Inspirational HR & Development Director, Trained Employee Relations Investigator, Facilitator, Trainer and Coach, who applys a human approach to ‘people management'.

9 年

Great article

Pam Parkes, FCIPD

It's all about the people - PPMA President 2024/25 #5 HR Most Influential 2024 - Local Government Commissioner - HR & OD profession advocate

9 年

Not much change here then! Organisations who still practise this type of bias in this current age really can't expect to remain competitive or truly harness sustainable innovation and creativity. How do they still exist? While HR clearly has a role here so do organisational leadership in making the cultural change necessary to meet this challenge or should I say overlooked business opportunity.

Fern Jolley

Property & Trusts Manager at Representative Body of the Church of Ireland

9 年

As a woman of certain age who falls into the category we are talking about, I would concur with Geraldine's comments. Having taken a career break - an opportunity that came about through redundancy - I am now looking to get back into work, but despite degrees, years of experience and targeting and skill matching my job searches and applications, I have yet to be called for one interview after 6 months + of searching. And this phenomenon is not exclusive to those of us of the female I therefore have to conclude that there is inadvertent age discrimination taking place in the world of employment. Employers please look again are missing out on a vast resource of talent and experience.


