How to break up with your wife before breakfast
The 2nd Happiest Day of My Life

How to break up with your wife before breakfast

It’s early Tuesday morning and only one of the trio in our bed is fully awake.

The one responsible for Jade and me yawning, yearning for another hour under the covers.

Oblivious to her overnight antics, Lyra’s attacking the day with gusto.

Everything she can reach is dismantled with single minded curiosity.

There’s a wheeled utility cart by Jade’s side.

It bristles with untouched treasures.

Lyra grabs it with both hands, raising herself up.?

A 13 month old Godzilla towering over her prey.

Any moment now it will roll away, leaving her hanging like a suspension bridge.?

Then gravity will do its thing and chaos will erupt.

Jade!” I say, gesturing urgently.

Got her,” she replies calmly.?

I look down and her arm is in front of Lyra’s waist.

I’m not reassured.

The laws of physics are clear. Her arm isn’t a safety net. It's a pivot to spin around before our daughter faceplants into the cart then the floor.

I airlift Lyra to the far side of the bed.?

She does this every morning. She won’t fall,” Jade says.

Just because it hasn’t happened, doesn’t mean it won’t,” I retort.?

I graciously refrain from quoting the footnote beloved of financial ads (past performance vs future prospects).

Taking my wife’s silence as agreement, I go to prepare breakfast.

Something doesn't feel right. I put it down to tiredness.

On my return, Lyra's dressed and ready for Playgroup.

I tut and remove her jumper.

Smart clothes go on after Messy Mealtime.

We know this.

I think I’ll make a treat box for Starla," Jade says. "She’s been restless.”

Starla, a boisterous dachshund, loves to shred boxes with treats hidden inside.?

It leaves her panting with happiness - and the lounge covered in cardboard.

Need to completely remove Lyra’s toys then,” I warn.

I was going to do it on your side of the baby gate.”?

No!” I say with annoyance. "The wires by my desk. That's not going to work."

Again, I take Jade’s silence as agreement.

Again, something’s off.

It feels pyrrhic. It niggles.

As I drive Lyra to Playgroup, my mind returns to my first long drive with her mother.

We’d only been dating for a few months when we crossed the country to spend the weekend at a dance festival.

En route to Secret Garden Party (2015)

As with our first date, it went flawlessly.

Conversation and energy flowed smoother than a baby’s bumcheek.

We danced and talked and held hands every step of the way.

We queued in the pouring rain to get a grotty portion of mac n cheese. It was the best meal I'd ever had.

I recall the excited frisson in my stomach, the realisation she was like No Other.

That ‘me’ would be mortified to witness this morning.?

Three… exchanges and we’ve not even had breakfast yet.

I’ve said before that building a brand is like falling in love.

It’s not done with a single grand gesture.?

It requires sustained excellence of the mundane.

Similarly, love and brands are rarely destroyed by single events.

They fade with neglect. The death of a thousand cuts.

The realisation may be sudden, but the decline is long dated.

I see my mum again, making a face behind my dad's back.

He’d complained dinner was too salty.

He's always got to have a little moan,” she confides in me later.?

The love that defied her parents to marry him has drained away.?

Replaced as the glue in their marriage by a stoic acceptance she’s too old to start anew.

Drs John and Julie Gottman, the world renowned experts on marital stability, teach the 5-1 Ratio as a solid indicator of whether couples stay together or fall apart.?

5 positive interactions for every 1 negative - that’s the green zone.

Jade and I smiled when we first heard this.??

We easily cleared hundreds-to-one.

We were soul mates, the best of friends.

What we had was eternal.

That was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

I woke one day to find myself in the amber zone of the Gottman Ratio.

How did I get here?

Paradoxically, amidst the tumult of the arrival of our daughter.

That which philosophers say gives you meaning (absent religion).

Isn’t life a funny old thing?

15 positive interactions are needed to make up for this morning.

This once would have happened like water flowing downhill.

A shiver goes through me.

The late, great Clay Christensen is widely known for "The Innovator’s Dilemma" and "Jobs To Be Done".?

I believe "How Will You Measure Your Life?" is an equally great contribution to humanity.

In his eponymous TED talk he remembers fellow Harvard alumni.

Intelligent, capable captains of Industry, many ended up with painful divorces and estranged children.

Yet none had set out with either as a strategic objective.

They’d sleepwalked through the amber into the red.

I call Jade from the car.

Everything OK?” she says with concern. “Is Lyra alright?

Hey huni.”? I clear my throat.

I recount the morning and apologise for each Incident.

Jade acknowledges my mea culpa.

She thanks me for noticing.

I smile and breathe a little easier.

Today, we stay green.

First Date (2014) vs First Family Shoot (2023)

Quy Langridge-Tien ?

helping busy Leaders attract clients, deals and talent

5 个月

Building a brand is like falling in love. It’s not done with a single grand gesture. It requires sustained excellence of the mundane. Similarly, love and brands are rarely destroyed by single events. They fade with neglect or mismanagement. The death of a thousand cuts. The realisation may be sudden, but the decline is long dated.



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