How to Break Free From Branding Chaos
Nenad Milcanovic
We guarantee to transform your brand into a brand empire. | CEO & Founder at Brandesigner
The Ridiculously Easy Guide to Cut Through The Noice
In a crowded and competitive marketplace, standing out from the crowd is essential for any brand. The key to making your brand uniquely compelling is to identify and cultivate your unique selling proposition (USP). By clearly defining and promoting your uniqueness, you become the go-to expert in your field and the obvious choice for your target audience. In this article, we'll explore how to uncover and leverage your USP to dominate your market and leave the competition behind.
Let me explain.
I like copywriting term:
USP = unique selling proposition.
It's a powerful stuff.
This is what makes a brand unique.
This is what differentiates a brand.
You must be #1 in people’s minds to be known.
You must become best in what you do to be #1.
You must find unique blend of skills to be the best.
This is how.
I developed a special tool for this. It took me decade and a half of trial and error. Hundreds of books... 10+ mentors... This tool works like a charm. It's called Brand Value Vault. This is super-easy to use. Your grandma can do it. It makes you irreplaceable without learning anything new. You only have to be yourself. Or, if you do this for an organization, you have to pick what's special and unique for a group of people. Just open what's already there. Trust me, there's a lot of value!
Brand Value Vault is your unique selling proposition.
It’s what makes you stand out in the crowded market.
Brand Value Vault is simple.
Unique and rare combination of gifts you bring to the world.
Your own constellation of valuable skills, insights, knowledge.
Brand Value Vault is already in your hands.
List all your relevant and valuable skills, insights, knowledge.
Then, include this in the rest of your branding and marketing.
Nobody can replicate your uniqueness. This makes you #1. You become your own category of one. Nobody can compete with you. Competition becomes irrelevant for your brand.
Here’s an example.
This is my Brand Value Vault.
Let's open it.
This is my list of relevant skills, unique perspectives, and valuable insights.
Let me explain.
In my Brand Value Vault are listed skills. Inside the vault are points of view with knowledge I accumulated over the years. Of course, in everyone's Brand Value Vault there is much more value than in my short version list. There are one of a kind experiences, original ways of solving problems. Neurodivergent ways of thinking... For example, If I want to stand out as a personal brand, I should choose some of those fields of expertise as my brand pillars. Those pillars are legs my brand stands on. I will talk about things I know, I'll combine them, and package as something special and rare... because it is special and rare!
Everything in the market has been done before.
What makes a brand stand out is an interesting combination or rare form.
A brand that stand out uses old things to create something fresh and new.
Picture this.
Fashion industry.
They use old, but in new and interesting ways.
This is an essence of creativity.
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Don’t Change Your Product - Maybe Your Brand is Just Ugly
P.S. Do you have your Brand Value Vault list?